
Tuesday 2 April 2019

For Hazel

Hazel c uk has sent me loads of cardmaking stamps, I am astounded at the quantity and variety.  Thank you so very much Hazel, it's so extremely kind of you, as I know they can be expensive.  Bloggers are so generous and thoughtful and kind, I am overwhelmed.  I don't know any of you personally, it's unlikely that most of us will ever meet as we're all scattered around the country - and world!  But I consider you all to be my good friends and am so thankful to know you all, and for the support and generosity you all show me.

Thank you again Hazel, and to all who left such kind messages yesterday on the post about our dying neighbour.


  1. Blog land is a great place for support and sharing ideas... and may I say it is a pleasure getting to know you Sooze.

  2. That was quick I only posted on Saturday. Hope they are okay and thank you for letting me know it's arrived. I find most people are kind like yourself. I am hoping to do a few cards again soon, since the stroke I have had to leave a lot of things behind but do hope things will get better. Have a good week.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Thank you again Hazel, they are all lovely. Hope your health improves very soon, things must be difficult for you.

  3. How lovely. I used to enjoy stamping and all the different techniques and I miss it so much.

  4. Isn't Blog Land amazing?! I do love the Internet. xx

    1. It is amazing, TA. Yes, there's so much that's good about the internet, I don't know what I'd do without it! xx

  5. There are some wonderful people out there, and you are one of them. Have fun with the stamping.

  6. I finally took the time to look up your location in UK
    In 2006 and 2008 I went with a group of teachers from USA studying Shakespeare-government grants through humanities! We were in London-Stratford upon Avon and Oxford-and other places-so close to you!!!! I started teaching when I was in my 40's and studied Shakespeare at The Folgers in DC one month and Massachusetts one month-grants from humanities of course! Love England!!!! Love it! Especially small areas!!! Now one of my favorite blogs is yours !!!! Small world!!!

    1. It's funny how we Brits and you Americans differ in our perceptions of distance, Brenda - I guess because the USA is so huge! I wouldn't consider London, S on A or Oxford to be close to us at all really. I suppose us Brits are wimps in terms of driving distances, whereas driving a few hundred miles is nothing to you. Obviously made of sterner stuff haha. :-)


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