Back from our one night trip to the caravan, and it's so good to be home. It wasn't an unqualified success at the van - except for the gas boiler being serviced and pronounced ok. Being there this time did, however, confirm for both of us that we no longer want to carry on going to the van, so I guess that counts as a positive thing, we now know for sure. Several reasons for this - there were even more dogs on site this time, several fellow owners don't just have one dog, they have 2 or even 3, and when one starts barking, it sets all the others off. Barking dogs make Betty very anxious and unsettled, thus making her whine or even bark as well. We don't want to keep telling her off or trying to pacify her. The main road that runs past the site seems to attract motorbikes, which roar up and down the road, even at night - last night was particularly bad, it was like a racetrack. It's just not a peaceful or relaxing retreat anymore.
And then this morning when we got up, it was absolutely freezing - a very old caravan with no central heating and single glazed windows gets very cold very quickly. We do have an electric fire in the lounge and a few portable electric oil filled radiators so it did warm up fairly quickly with those on, but gets cold again as soon as they're switched off. Neither husband nor I cope well with the cold nowadays.
Yesterday, husband apparently made a statement to one of our caravan neighbours that was patently untrue - I didn't hear him, I wasn't present, the neighbour came and spoke to me about it later and I had to smooth things over. I mentioned to husband that he shouldn't have said it, whereupon he became aggressive - verbally that is, he's never been physically aggressive. That's his reaction every time I question or pull him up on something - I know why he does it, he knows he's in the wrong and feels guilty, even though he can't or won't admit it, he's unable to accept being in the wrong.
But I am feeling like I'm almost permanently filled with anxiety, I just never know what husband is going to say or do next and it feels like I'm always having to make excuses for him or pour oil on troubled waters. We've lost a few friends recently, as in them withdrawing from us, they haven't died. Part of me thinks well if they can't (or don't want to) cope with our troubles, then they're only fairweather friends. But the other part of me feels decidedly let down and abandoned.
The weather is apparently going to be good for the next week or so - great, it will give us chance to clear away all the spent veggies and flowers and put the garden to bed for the winter. I'll have lots of empty pots to bring home from the caravan (we'll go there again one more time to drain the water systems and close it down for winter), so I might fill them with Spring bulbs. I do love Spring flowering bulbs, Spring is my absolute favourite season.
For Donna - a couple of photos of a lap blanket and single bed size blanket I made, they're both in the caravan:-
As you can see, I like colour! I don't do fancy patterns, I just like the easy, almost monotony of simple crocheting.