
Monday 18 September 2023

Crises, dramas and good things

 Apologies for the absence, we've had a crisis going on - I'm not giving any details, sorry.  It's not over yet but has eased a bit.

To temper that, there's been some good news - we've found and bought another car, it's being delivered to us on Friday.  It's a nice small SUV, much nicer than our old car and will perfectly suit our needs.  It's had just one owner from new and been regularly dealer-serviced.  We're very pleased.

Our housing application review has been done (miraculously, they advised us the day after I emailed asking when we could expect to hear, as they'd exceeded the time limit given 😉😒) so we can now carry on searching for a suitable property.  Not that we are expecting to be successful anytime soon, but at least we're now back on the ladder.

I haven't been feeling well for some time now, I'd put it down to stress, I hadn't gone to the doctor (my reasoning being it was indeed most likely to be stress, and I haven't got time to be ill).  However, last Thursday I felt very unwell all day and come the evening it got significantly worse, to the point where I felt like I was having a heart attack.  To cut a long story short, it wasn't a heart attack according to the paramedics' ECG, but the reading wasn't 'as normal as it should be' in their words!  They said there was something showing up and they needed to take me to hospital for further tests.  We arrived about 11 pm and I was whisked into a cubicle in the emergency ward straight away, bypassing the queue of other ambulances already there - they said they needed to have me in so they could monitor me and do further tests.  Throughout the night I had a further 3 ECGs, some chest x-rays and several tubes of bloods taken.  I had my BP and oxygen sats checked every hour, along with a few stethoscope chest checks.  I was there all night, seeing a doctor finally around 5 am.  He confirmed I hadn't had a heart attack but agreed with the paramedics that my ECGs were somewhat abnormal, although the chest x-ray seemed fine.  My bloods showed no infection, but a couple of results (for what, I don't know) wouldn't be back for a couple of days.  He said I could go home, but that I needed to go back for an echocardiogram (different to an ECG apparently, husband has had a couple) and some further checks, which would be arranged by my GP, I'm seeing him today.  The hospital doctor said he would be recommending to the GP that I have the echo within 2 weeks.

A large hospital emergency ward is not a nice place to be throughout the night - it was very busy indeed, and several of the incoming patients were drunks or obviously high on drugs - being very loud, falling over and causing no end of problems, both for the accompanying Police and the unfailingly patient, kind and cheerful hospital staff.  One patient, with mental problems, brought in by 3 carers, had apparently superhuman strength and was fighting with all his carers, 2 security guards and assorted medical staff - he was eventually taken away, I know not where.  The staff were all wonderful and I can't fault them at all, I don't know how they cope.  

Obviously I'm a bit concerned, but am not worrying until I know whether there's something to actually worry about.  I'm glad I've been checked out.  I think it's given husband a short, sharp shock (he didn't accompany me to hospital, I told him to stay home with Betty).  I certainly feel better than I did last week.

We're hoping to go to the caravan again at the weekend, for a few days, can't say for sure at the moment as we still have a few things going on, including the new car arriving and taking away of the courtesy car.

Incidentally, the insurance settlement offer for our written-off car was actually MORE than we paid for the car a year ago - so Mrs LH, you're right, prices of second-hand cars have risen dramatically.  We are lucky to have found the new car at a good price.



  1. Oh, Sooze, how scary for you. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and hope the tests are done quickly and show nothing serious.
    Great news about the car. That's one less thing to worry about! And you can start to bid for houses again - I do hope you're successful very soon.
    So relieved to see this post, I was thinking all sorts had happened! Take care and look after yourself. xx

  2. That sounds like a very nerve-wracking experience for you to have to go through, particularly with nobody to keep you company. I hope they work out what's wrong and treat it for you quickly.

  3. I hope you get your health sorted as quickly as possible, must have been very scary. Well done on the car, it's nice to win, now and then.

  4. Relieved to hear that everything seems under control and hopefully turns into 'just a glitch'. Good luck with the further tests! Good news about the car, one major thing off the worry list. xx

  5. Echocardiograms are fine to have, usually 20 or so minutes facing one way most of the time. It checks the blood flow looking for enlargements, narrowing, problems with valves, size of chambers of the heart and general blood flow. Very good diagnostic tool. Results usually back within 2 or 3 weeks. It is worrying to wonder if something is wrong with your heart but I felt better once I knew and started medication.

  6. That sounds like a fairly terrifying experience, I'm glad the tests didn't find anything serious so far anyway, good luck with the remaining tests. The car sounds like a big step up, hopefully without the mysterious warning lights etc you've had to deal with in the past!

  7. I'm so glad about both the car and the rehousing waiting list. The other is, as you say, rather worrying but those tests should come back quickly and they can decide on what, if any, action to take. I agree with you about A&E. When mum was blue lighted in the last time, they totally bypasses the main area and let me and Dad stay close by because 'It wasn't a nice place' - there were police mean all over the place so we were very grateful. The staff deserve medals, they truly do.

    I hope you get away for a few days and will be thinking of you.

  8. That sounds like a very scary experience. Good news on the car though and at least you can start looking at houses again.

  9. Great news about the car, at least that’s sorted out. So sorry to hear about the heart issues, I hope you get some answers soon. A&E at night is not a nice place to be. The staff there have always been excellent in my opinion but they must get fed up with those people who need help from other sources. Take care of yourself and I hope you are resting when you can.

  10. I'm SO glad you had a good check-up at the hospital! And glad you are doing better.
    Also glad you can resume house hunting!

  11. Good news on both the car purchase and getting active again on being able to bid for properties, at least that two things out of the way while you concentrate on your health. Coincidentally I am also going for an echocardiogram this week, I'm not looking forward to it I hate all things medical.

  12. Not a good experience for you having to go to hospital but good that you are having tests after feeling unwell for some time. Hopefully the tests will be a a positive out come.
    Good news about the car. Especially as it has been services regularly. Looks like later in the month the weather will be fine again so hopefully you can enjoy some outings.

  13. So pleased your back blogging. Great news about your new car. Best wishes for your medical issues, may you have a happy outcome. Love reading your Blog but first time commenting.

  14. Good news about the new car and wishing for a happy ending re the health issues. you can certainly do without the added stress.

  15. Excellent news on the car front. Hope all checks out ok on the medical side.


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