
Thursday 14 September 2023

Well blow me down!

 I've not been feeling at all well the past few days, I'm sure it's down to stress.  Yesterday I had a day off - I only did what was absolutely necessary in the morning, then went to bed for a couple of hours after lunch.  I gather husband sat downstairs and watched back to back episodes of some sci-fi thing on TV....he doesn't think to do anything at all in the way of housework or things that need doing unless I specifically ask him to do it.  Well, that's how life is nowadays, just have to accept it.

But anyway, we've had a phone call from the 3rd party insurers this morning - they are writing the car off (as expected) and have given us a settlement figure - which amazingly is actually considerably MORE than we were expecting.  So no arguments, we've accepted it straight away.  The money should be paid into our account early next week.  Husband is of course delighted and is already boring the pants off me reading out details of numerous cars he's looking at online.  We won't be buying a car until the money is actually in the bank, so I'm not really wanting to be force-fed tons of car details in the lead up till then.  So I'm getting him to take us to our favourite beach for a walk, that should give my ears a bit of respite for a while.

Thank you everyone for your comments and continued support....I know I've been very remiss in not saying so lately, life has taken over.  Please know that I do appreciate you all, though.


  1. I'm glad you're getting more than expected. Like I said used cars have sky rocketed in price which has worked to your advantage.

  2. I am so pleased for you both - must be a weight off your mind and hopefully relieve a bit of your stress. Fingers crossed now for finding a good, reliable car.

  3. Well, nice to have some good news for a change! Who knows, you may even be able to sideline a little of the money towards the moving fund (or a little treat for yourself, for being so forbearing over the past few months!) xx

  4. Brilliant news for you both. Hopefully now you will be able to find a replacement car in the not too distant future. I would definitely hang on to the courtesy car until the new one is parked on your driveway.

  5. Am pleased for you that you’ve had a bit of good news, I hope you enjoy your walk, it’s a lovely day for it.

  6. I'm very glad for you. What a relief. xx

  7. YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. That's really good news - and one thing off your mind, at least!

  9. That is good news, at least your husband has something positive to focus on looking for a replacement car. I am with you though, can't get too excited with car details even though I drive.

  10. About time you had some good news. When does caravan season end?

  11. Such Happy news! I'm so glad for've needed a smile in your life!

  12. What a wonderful thing, getting more than you expected. Been gone so just catching up today.

    God bless.

  13. That is good for you. We also found the insurance of the person who hit us paid us quickly. Hope you can find a decent car with the money you will get.

  14. Great to have some good news. I'm really pleased for you. Take as much time as you can to de-stress now. You need a breather.


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