
Friday 29 September 2023

Relief and improvements

 The letter from the hospital said I would be seeing the consultant or one of his associates - I saw the consultant, a short, jolly Asian man, after first having another ECG - my 7th in the past fortnight - and BP check.  After lots of discussion, him checking all my notes, ECGs, x-rays and bloods, taking my pulse and listening to my chest, he said he was confident that there's nothing much wrong with my heart, other than the slow heart rate/pulse.  He said that wasn't of particular concern, it's not excessively slow, although advised me to regularly check my BP and heart rate (I have a home monitor) and contact my GP if it gets significantly slower, or I get very breathless again.  And he said definitely ring 999 if I have chest pain, don't wait to call the GP in the morning.  He was of the opinion that my symptoms were caused by severe anxiety and stress - he said that prolonged stress/anxiety can, in his words, "do nasty things to our bodies as well as our minds".  He recommended I take my anti-anxiety med regularly - twice a day - for the time being, rather than just when I feel I need it.  When I feel the anxiety/stress are under control (i.e. when the situations that are causing me the anxiety calm down....erm, not much chance of that) and I want to come off the anti-anxiety med, I must do it gradually.  I feel reassured and relieved.

I've had another chat with husband, he's decided he definitely doesn't want to take antidepressants.  Fair enough, he's a grown man, I can't force him.  He does, however, agree that he needs to help me more, and help himself by being more active and not just sitting dozing in front of the TV all day.  I've told him it's a choice between that or taking antidepressants, carrying on the way he has been is just not fair on himself or me.  He agreed.

I'm involving him more in meal choosing and prep.....normally I just do it all, deciding what we'll eat (we often have different meals as I don't eat meat and he does) and preparing it.  He's not a fussy eater and will basically eat whatever I give him, but recently I've been asking him what he wants when I'm doing the menu planning, and when he comes into the supermarket with me I get him to choose what meats he wants.  So far it's working out well, he's showing more interest, has offered to cook a few times and even come up with suggestions for meals.  He's also starting to get into the habit of watching a programme on TV and then switching it off, rather than keeping it on and aimlessly flicking through channels.  So some progress is being made.  He now knows we have to work together to help each other, I can't continue struggling on to cope with everything by myself.


  1. No, you can't, nor should you be expected to. I'm glad he is listening at last.
    I am also very glad that you were listened to and understood at your appointment and were given some support and good advice. Well done, Sooze. xx

  2. Well, that all sounds encouraging. I'm glad the consultant really listened to you and offered solutions. Taking the anxiety meds regularly sounds like a good idea. It's good that your husband is beginning to help more too, for both of you. Maybe you having all these tests has made him think about what would happen if you could no longer do things for him. I hope he doesn't relapse - but I'm sure you won't let him! xx

  3. TV on all day would drive me mad as well, I find being outside in the garden, working helps me through the day, I don't cook as hubby loves cooking, so I can't lose myself in the kitchen. It's a shame you are so rural, I go to a couple clubs, knit and natter, Pilates and coffee morning, each just once a week, I get out on my own, which is good.

  4. I am glad you felt more positive after your hospital appointments and the consultant listened to and understood your concerns. Sounds like a good idea taking your anti anxiety meds regularly for a time to see if that helps your situation.
    Maybe now you have the new car a few more short trips out, even if it's just to walk Betty somewhere different would help your husband. A bit of fresh air and away from the tv for a while.

  5. I am so glad you able to get a proper assessment, and that they found nothing sinister!

  6. It's good that the appointment went so well and was so reassuring. It also sounds like you are sorting things out at home so that things should be a bit calmer in future for you. You do need to speak out to your hubby the minute he starts to let his helping you slow down or stop, and keep at him. Habits take a while to initiate and set in stone, and men do need to be reminded ... it feels like 20 times a day, but I'm sure it's a little bit less!!

  7. I am glad that your appointment went so well, that doctor sounds wonderful. Getting your Hubby involved in choosing meals and when shopping the meat he would like is a wonderful idea. I am glad that he is taking an interest in helping you more. Just keep reminding him every so often, and giving him a pat on the back when he keeps on helping.

    God bless.


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