
Wednesday 24 April 2024


 Yesterday morning was quite unpleasant, raining most of the time and freezing cold again, we had the heating on in the van all morning.  Husband went and bought a few more bits for the TV aerial, but it still didn't work, so he wasn't happy and kept going on about it.  I couldn't help him as I know absolutely nothing about TV technology - I have trouble changing channels if he's out and I actually want to watch something, as there's 2 remote controls which confuses the hell out of me.  In the afternoon the sun came out and it changed to a different day entirely - back to sunny and warm again.  I suggested we went to buy an indoor TV aerial, as a compromise until he can get whatever the problem is fixed.  Well, the indoor aerial worked (and provided a good picture) but only gave around 15 or 16 channels, much to husband's disgust.  I pointed out that at least he'd got 16 to watch!!  He went on and on about it until I put my foot down firmly and said I'd had 2 days of listening to him moaning about the bloody TV and didn't want to hear anymore about it.  I insisted he came outside with me to get on with tidying the garden and planting up the pots, whilst it was nice and sunny.  He did and we got it mostly done.

Later on he decided 16 channels wasn't nearly enough and started fiddling about with the TV and indoor aerial again....with the result that it stopped working altogether 🤬🤬.  We're going home today as I simply cannot spend another minute, let alone day, listening to him moaning and cursing again 🤯🤬😡🫨.  And he's just accidentally tipped his 7 morning meds on the floor, so I guess it's going to be one of those days.

Don't get me wrong, it's been a nice few days despite the cold rainy weather since Monday morning, but there's hardly anyone here now (they all went home Sunday or Monday morning), so it's only me here for husband to complain and witter on at, and it's driving me nuts.  Bloody telly, for once I wish it actually worked!!


  1. And breathe...
    Sounds like you need a 10 year old. They'd soon get it sorted!🤣 xx

  2. Going home for a rest then? I feel your pain. X

  3. Oh my word! I'm not surprised, I think I would have lost patience too. Remember when there were only two and then three tv channels, now there are dozens and most are **** (rubbish). As H H above said, shame you have not got a youngster available to sort it out. I do hope we get some warm dry weather soon.

  4. I'd be so tempted to suggest he went home to his beloved telly and come back for you and Betty when you ring to say you're ready (after several days of peace and quiet!)


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