
Tuesday 16 April 2024

Preparing for our first caravan stay

 Thank you for all the comments, we're so pleased with what we've done to the garden so far, it's going to look very colourful and have lots of lovely veggies and strawberries in due course.  Mary, you mentioned a product (thank you), 'Wet and Forget' - a patio cleaner presumably, I'd not heard of it so looked it up.  To be honest, I don't actually mind the way the pavers and concrete paths look (they're all different, in both style and colour, no idea why the previous tenant didn't go for all the same) - I know they're a bit discoloured and stained, but I actually prefer that to a brand new pristine look.  I'll give them a sweep with hot soapy water and our stiff yard broom occasionally, that'll be fine.

Husband didn't go to his Sheds group yesterday, it was such horrible weather (showers and a very strong and cold wind) - he thought the weather would put most people off, he was probably right.  The Sheds group is on 3x weekly anyway, so he's going tomorrow instead.  This morning he's said he'll tidy himself up - shave his hair (I help him with the back bits) and trim his beard, he currently looks like Father Christmas.  

Having said I was going to try doing just 2 big shops a month, with it being the middle of the month (already!!) yesterday I did a quick freezer and larder inventory and wrote a shopping list.  I was pleased to find I didn't actually need a big shop, just a top up one, so we did that in the afternoon.  Today I'll be working out a menu for next week - we're going to the caravan (to actually stay) this weekend.  I've got several homemade frozen dinners already, so it's just planning for lunch things to take with us really.  The Co-op shop in the village near the caravan is apparently closed for a fortnight for refurbishment, so I'll plan on taking as much with us as possible, we'll be staying a week or possibly longer.  

Our lovely van neighbours C & J are also coming at the weekend, for their last ever stay.  Obviously it'll be tinged with sadness for us all, but I'm sure we'll have a lovely last week with them.  They've said they don't really want to give up the caravan, but with C being in his mid-80s and having increasing health problems (and he's the driver, not J), they feel the 3.5 hour journey is just too much now.  They're right, of course.  If only we could all stay at a fixed age and state of reasonable health!!  Wouldn't that be a nice thought?  I think I'd choose to be 49 again, if that were possible - I had pretty good health and energy all seemed to start going downhill after 50 😂😒

I've got washing to put out on the line - it's cloudy and looking like a rain shower will start any minute, but is forecast to be sunny and dry by lunchtime, colder with a stiff breeze - not as gusty as yesterday though, so should be good drying weather.


  1. Our paving is all different colours, too, so apart from scraping the moss off the bits where we walk, I leave it alone. It will be a bitter sweet meeting with your friends. Hopefully you'll be able to meet up again, somewhere. xx

  2. Your garden's looking really lovely. I hope you get some good weather for your first caravan stay

  3. I hope the weather and visit with your friends at the caravan is lovely.

    God bless.

  4. Bitter sweet, isn't it. I'm sorry your friends are giving up their van but maybe you can meet up some other way. It is a long journey, I agree, even when in good health. xx


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