
Monday 15 April 2024

Finished for now

 I've finished buying plants now, for the time being anyway.  My new flower bed is now full - well, it will be once all the new plants grow, fill out and take up the space.  Here it is:-

Well, the right hand side of it anyway, there's the same amount of new bed and plants to the left.  We've put in a mixture of cottage garden type flowers - foxgloves, delphiniums, hollyhock, lupins, pinks, geranium, dahlia, and a few more.  Last year I remember seeing packs of 3 different hostas in the garden centres - so far this year (it's early though, to be fair) I've not seen them.  All the garden centre had was one type only in small pots, they did have different varieties of ones a lot bigger (and thus a much higher price)....I just got a small one.  I also got 2 acers, one green one red, we've put them in the large gravel bed along with the one hosta.  There was a huge rose in this gravel bed (the only thing in there), the bottom stems were as thick as my wrists and completely bare to about 3 or 4 feet high, it was around 6ft in height altogether, very wispy at the top and tied loosely to a rotten pole.  We cut it down to about 6", thinking it probably wouldn't regrow.....well, this is it now:-

Sending up loads of new shoots, how lovely!  I have no idea what colour it is, it'll be a lovely surprise.

And another lovely surprise/great bargain - at the garden centre, they were selling off some of their old bistro tables from their cafe (they're replacing them with new stuff) - we snapped up a bistro table for £10 - we already have a couple of director's chairs that will go with it:-

It's just right for the space there, it just needs a clean, there's nothing wrong with it other than the top being a bit faded.  Very happy with that.  Behind the table and chair you can just see the green plastic trellis we put up a couple of days ago, that corner is a bit overlooked so we wanted to raise the height a little, we've planted (I think I said before) a winter jasmine, pink large flowered clematis Ville de Lyon and everlasting sweet pea to grow up the trellis.

It's forecast to be showery, windy and quite a bit colder today, so no garden work....we've done all we want to do right now anyway, and it'll be good to have a rest from physical work for a few days.  Husband's going to his Men in Sheds group this morning, I'm doing housework and lists - freezer and larder inventory, menu plan, next jobs to be done in the garden.  The next one will be raking off all the gravel from one of the 3 square beds (it's 6 feet square), forking the ground over and levelling it off and then buying and laying turf - Betty's own bit of lawn for her to lie on in the summer.


  1. It's all going to be lovely. I'm pleased that rose has rejuvenated. It'll be gorgeous. I hope it is fragrant! I can visualise both of you sat at your bistro table, sipping coffee and admiring your hard work! We just need some sunshine now! xx

  2. It does feel good once beds are done, you should have a riot of colour, I too prefer to get second hand items for the garden, in an established garden it looks better. It's nice to bring back a plant, and exciting for you not knowing what colour the rose is.

  3. You've both worked so hard out there. Now put your feet up for a day or two and imagine how pretty it's going to look all summer long.

  4. That's a good table for £10, what a bargain. I love the idea of a teeny tiny lawn just for Betty.

  5. Well, you've certainly put in the hard work and now hopefully you'll reap the rewards of a lovely garden come summer! That bistro table was a lucky find, too 🙂

  6. You could spray some outdoor "Wet it and Forget it" on those pavers. It made my sad looking patio look revived. So easy for such great results.

  7. Enjoy your lovely table, you will now have a wonderful place for morning coffee or afternoon tea.

    God bless.

  8. All your hard work shows, its beginning to look really nice, well done.

  9. Your garden is going to be such a picture - how lovely it will be to sit out there and enjoy the results of your hard work. xx


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