
Tuesday 2 July 2024

Changing tastes!

 Thanks for the comments, ladies.  Re the new kitchen - according to our housing officer we get a choice of 4 styles of units and some say in the layout, I hope that's true.  I'm assuming we'll also get a choice of flooring (it's a horrible green colour cushion flooring at present), worktops and wall tiles.  Husband still keeps on about what types of units we should have, and where - I've told him he can put forward his ideas, of course, but I'm having the final say - after all, it's me who spends the most time in the kitchen, not him.  I'd like the basic layout to stay much the same actually, but hopefully with the addition of an extra floor cupboard and/or wall cupboard, to increase the storage capacity.  The existing wall cupboards could do with being wider, deeper and taller too, I expect the new units will be - the present ones are very dated and a smaller size.  I can't fit cereal boxes upright in them, nor stack tins one on top of the other, which is a nuisance.  I'm getting quite excited now 😂

We're going to do a big supermarket shop tomorrow, I've got into the habit of doing a big shop at the start of the month, and then 2 or 3 small top up shops of fresh stuff, it's working out well.  I was thinking about the types of meals I want from now on - meat and veg for husband, salads and fresh veggies with fish, cheese or pulses for protein for me.  I was eating a bit of chicken now and then, but have gone off that now - we had chicken pieces in bbq sauce on Saturday and chilli made with chicken mince yesterday, I didn't really enjoy either of them so doubt I'll be eating even chicken from now on.  Husband will be happy with meat, any kind, he's not fussy about it, with potatoes in some form or other (again he likes all forms of potato) and a couple of veggies.  For lunches he likes sandwiches, preferably ham, or something on toast.  I like a small salad of some kind for lunch - tomato, mozzarella and basil, eg, or panzanella with lovely juicy tomatoes, chunks of sourdough, olives and some cheese, with a balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing.  I also love couscous with goats cheese or feta, olives, beetroot and cucumber.  Sometimes I just have cheese and crispbreads or oatcakes with an apple.  For my dinners I like fish - either a fillet of some fresh fish (I like most fish), or Aldi's lightly dusted with lemon & herb frozen fillets, or prawns.  Or just vegetables - the veggie crumble I made last week was gorgeous, I'd happily eat that 2 or 3 times a week.  I also like a plateful of roasted veggies, with something green on the side.

Years ago, the only veg I would eat was potatoes, frozen peas and Brussels sprouts.  A salad to me was a few bits of iceberg lettuce with some sliced cucumber - I hated tomatoes (love juicy vine ones now).  Although I eat most veggies now, there are still some I wouldn't touch with a barge pole - celery (just the smell of it makes me want to heave), broad beans, fact I'm not fond of most dark green leafy veggies, although I will eat some occasionally as they're so good for us! 

How we change with the years.....I used to eat a lot of takeaways or ready meals (Vesta curries or Pot Noodles anyone? 😂).  Not now.  We have fish and chips from a takeaway maybe once every 6 weeks or so and that's it for takeaways.  I wouldn't eat a pot noodle now if you paid me!

What don't you eat anymore that you used to years ago?  Or are there things you now eat that you used to hate?


  1. My taste are pretty much the same, I don't use as much cheese, as hubby does not like it, I always keep some in, I do treat myself to loads of nicer cheeses if we have visitors. I do prefer rice than potatoes, that as changed since since my childhood.

  2. My mother was what you'd call a 'plain cook' and meals were pretty unadventurous when I was growing up. The only pasta she cooked was macaroni cheese - I suspect my father would have felt that anything else was beyond the pale. There were no takeaways where we lived apart from the fish and chip shop. It was only when I left home and chose my own food that I tried more exciting fare, and I've never been a fussy eater so ate most things. I'm still easy going when it comes to food, but there are two things I used to love that I now can't stand - cream cakes and doughnuts. If only I could go off all the other types of cake, and chocolate, I'd be laughing... The thing I was just not bothered about when I was younger, but love now, is coffee!

  3. Oh, that made me laugh. It's years since I had a Pot Noodle or a Vesta curry. They seemed very exotic at the time! I do miss cheese, I'd love some nice tasty Stilton. But being lactose intolerant, I've discovered that all forms of dairy are not for me. 😢 I used to love a cup of tea, but when I was pregnant with my son (41 years ago) the smell made me heave. I've never recovered the taste for tea, but I love a proper coffee. I now couldn't face anything overtly sweet and sugary, although I do like a scone, dairy free spread but no jam or cream, please! I never liked tomatoes as a kid (Heinz tomato soup excepted) but now I will eat them. Haven't had a takeaway for years. Don't miss them. Give me a nice, fresh salad any day. My younger self would never have believed that! xx

  4. Years ago I used to eat meat, then of course as my old blog showed we got chickens and then pigs and all my meat consumption stopped completely. My health is so much better since I gave up for sure. I eat more vegetables these days and I still love pastry ... oh and Pot Noodles are my guilty secret. Just a couple a year though, any more than that and there's no doubt I would soon learn to hate them.

  5. I love a beef & tomato pot noodle - but have you seen the cals! Other than that, I absolutely hate rice & pasta!

  6. My Mum was also a plain cook - good, tasty meals but very predictable. Her pastry was wonderful though and the occasional cake (mainly for Dad's packed lunches). I never tasted pasta or anything else 'exotic'(!) until I left home. A boyfriend introduced me to Chinese tak eaway - Wow! But he played a horrible trick on me and persuaded me that the Sweet & Sour Meatballs I'd just eaten were, erm, a certain part of a pig's anatomy. Yuk! I've never had them since and that was in the 70s.

  7. I am starting to enjoy more meatless selections and am loving lentils and chickpeas. I would say my tastes have probably changed more than I think.
    I hope the kitchen redo goes very well.

    God bless.


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