
Thursday 4 July 2024

Voting and physio

 We combined the early dog walk with voting at 07.30 this morning, nobody else there.  It's not very warm today, mixture of clouds and brief spells of weak sunshine and a very cold wind, so it's not a day for doing much in the garden.  Spits of rain with more showers due, and heavy rain to come tonight, apparently.  More of the same forecast tomorrow, but better on Saturday, think we're going to the boot sale then.

Well I had my first physio appointment - it was an initial diagnostic one, the physiotherapist confirmed it's a rotator cuff injury.  She said I have significant weakness in the muscles around my left shoulder front and back, and much reduced movement, she also said my left shoulder is out of alignment with the right shoulder, she could see that it's dropped, the weak muscles aren't holding it up.  She showed me some simple exercises to help build up the muscles - she said to do them every day, but not to do too many repetitions to begin with, as the muscles and ligaments are currently inflamed, and not to start them for a week or so, because of the current inflammation.  She's referring me to the physio dept at the local hospital, she said there'll probably be a bit of a wait (pretty much normal nowadays).  In the meantime, she said to use a cold pack on my shoulder for the first week or so, to reduce inflammation, and then to change to a heat pad after the first week, to warm the muscles before starting the exercises.

Straight after that appointment, I had another with a nurse for bloods.  Unfortunately, she couldn't get any out of me (my blood is nearly always reluctant to come out!) - although I have to say she didn't exactly try very hard.  Just 2 attempts, despite me telling her she could stab me as much as she liked as I'm not at all squeamish about blood tests and injections.  Oh well.  I have another appointment with a different nurse next week, she'll try the bloods.

Got a menu plan to do this afternoon, and we need to nip into town for a couple of things in Smiths for me, and the hardware shop for husband. 


  1. When we went to vote this morning, all the polling staff were tucking into bacon butties. Nothing on offer for the voters, though!
    I hope the combination of cold, heat and exercise helps. Sadly, you need time, too. Improvement doesn't happen quickly, does it? I don't give my blood willingly either, a trait inherited from my Mum and which I've very kindly passed onto my daughter. I understand that they're only allowed to try twice to extract blood, before they have to request a more senior phlebotomist/doctor. (But don't quote me on that one!) Mind you, I have found that some can and some can't! xx

    1. That's interesting K, I didn't know about the twice only thing. I guess that explains why she only tried twice then! She did see if another nurse was available, but apparently not. xx

  2. We postal voted so all done, I hate blood tests!

  3. Yes, I voted nice and early.
    I hope the treatments really help. xx


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