
Wednesday 3 July 2024

That's that done (and unwanted help)

 We went out and did our big monthly shop this morning, I'm pleased with the amount we got and am pretty sure we'll only need probably 2 small top up shops of fresh stuff for the rest of the month.  Mind you, it took me getting on for an hour to empty the bags and put everything away, and to keep preventing husband from grabbing stuff and putting it away without asking me where it goes - he's a bugger for just shoving things wherever there's a space, instead of where it actually should go, and not bringing older stock forward.  Despite me saying to him whenever we go shopping thanks for the offer of help but I'd appreciate just putting it away on my own, he forgets every time.  I know he thinks he's being helpful, but he's really not!  He's become quite OCD over the past year or two, he has this compulsion to 'help', whether I want help or not, won't ask me anything (I guess he thinks he knows) and is forever telling me what I want (he's nearly always wrong).

We saved over £30 using our Clubcard - well, I say that but of course the reality is that the 'normal' non-Clubcard prices are over-inflated, so us 'thick' shoppers who don't know any better (except we do!) think we're getting a bargain by having and using a clubcard.  Nope, they just want us to sign up for the cards so they get to have all our details and shopping habits.  Of course we do actually know that, the cards are for their benefit not ours, and I have to say some of the goods at over-inflated non-clubcard prices I simply would not buy, they're ridiculously overpriced.  But if having a clubcard allows me to buy some things at cheaper prices, then I'm happy to have one.  There were actually one or two really good bargains with clubcard prices actually, so it's swings and roundabouts.

Went to the pet shop and got the frozen dog food Betty likes - last time husband went on his own and, surprise surprise, bought the wrong one.  It was a salmon and tripe one - she liked that too but boy it didn't half stink the kitchen out.  And I had to clean out the microwave every time - although it's supposedly for feeding to dogs raw, you don't have to cook it, our funny dog doesn't like it raw so I have to lightly microwave it for her.  Oddly enough, she's not keen on raw liver either (our previous dog absolutely loved it) but likes it cooked.  Husband has to cook it as the look and smell of liver now makes me heave.

Tomorrow morning we shall be going to vote early - it's in the village hall which is about 2 minutes walk from our house.  Then I have my first (and I bet it turns out to be my only!) physio appointment for my shoulder - my experience of physio since Covid has been that we get one appointment and then get sent away with a list of exercises to do on our own at home.  A far cry from years ago when I was having physio for a prolapsed disc and severe sciatica - I had sessions at the physio dept of the local hospital 3x weekly for a couple of months, and they did all sorts of techniques, manipulations and treatments, not just a few exercises.  Following the physio, I'm having bloods, wee test, etc for my annual diabetes review, I'm not expecting any problems with that, my diabetes has always been well controlled.

For dinner tonight husband is doing himself (and Betty) fried liver, with mash, peas and onion gravy (not for Betty! she'll have kibble with her liver).  I'm making myself smoked mackerel fishcakes which I'll have with tenderstem broccoli and home grown courgettes.  We've got a good supply of home grown courgettes, carrots and mini cucumbers now.  The tomatoes, new potatoes, butternut squash and leeks are yet to come.

My next door neighbour said that when they had their new kitchen units installed, it took a week and the fitters were tidy and helpful, so that's good.  She confirmed we do also get a choice of flooring, worktops and wall tiles, I'll be glad to see the back of the horrible green flooring and worktops.  Green is not my favourite colour.  So I'm looking forward to the kitchen chap coming on Friday.


  1. I'm envious of your good diabetes control. Mine is out of control! As much as I try, I can't get my numbers down. I don't drink, don't smoke and walk at least 3 miles most days with the dogs. I'm 5ft 6 and weigh just over 11st so it's not weight related. I follow all the guidelines re. limiting carbs, etc - in fact my bookcase has several diabetic books in it! I think my nurse is also at a loss in my case.

    1. Mrs LH, my husband follows the no GPS diet. No grains, potatoes or sugar. He used the Reversing Type 2 Diabetes book, by Professor Roy Taylor. You start off with just 800 calories a day, for 12 weeks, to reduce the fat around your liver. It does work, but sticking to it long term is the hard part. Good luck! xx

    2. I so agree about clubcards. We all know they use them to monitor our shopping habits, but, as you say, if it means I get certain things cheaper, I don't care!
      Your new kitchen will look lovely, and just how you want it. It's a shame we have to go through the mess to get there, but no pain, no gain! xx

    3. Thanks HH, your husband's doing the right thing. I did the Fast 800 in 2016, lost 3st and reversed my type 2. I then fell off the wagon a bit & the numbers crept up. I was really sad to hear that Dr Michael Mosley had died, his books helped me no end & I still refer to them. I must remember the GPS diet.

  2. Exciting. Looking forward to your new kitchen.

  3. I'm sure this won't make you feel better but my husband who is 72 likes to help with putting away groceries and it makes me want to hit him. He puts new on top of old and likes to do stuff "his way". I think it is a old man thing😄

  4. I ask that the shopping is taken out of the bags and put on the worktop so I can put it away myself. This is actually helps because I'm not bending to empty the the bags and hubby is being useful so we both get what we want out of the job


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