
Thursday 16 July 2020


Marlene (PoppyPatchwork) says on her blog today "we need contact and interaction with other people to make our lives complete".  Oh yes.  And not just virtual.  I'm finding it incredibly hard not having that real contact.


  1. It's our basic need, and the longer this last, the more I realise how true it is. Hope your area stays low, my family all live close to you and you can get out and about. Did you know the walled gardens are open again.

    1. Yes Marlene we went yesterday and renewed our annual season ticket. It wasn't at all busy, more staff than visitors.

  2. Do you feel you could have a friend around for a distanced garden chat? I find that very helpful indeed.

  3. I suppose I'm lucky (or not, if you see it differently) I don't need friends to be happy. I love it on my own in my workroom.
    Of course I have Tom and my kids and that's enough for me but if you are gregarious it must be difficult.

  4. Not sure if I posted my comment earlier(old age you know!). I think many of us find it hard not being able to hug and kiss loved ones, but things are slowly easing up and we can now at least meet, albeit at a distance. This won't last forever, Sooze. xx

  5. I just want to chat to someone other than the DP!

  6. I am like Briony I am happy and contented in myself and I live in a very small village but it I really need to talk I go for a walk and there is always someone to chat to and I can always phone someone.
    A lady I know who phoned somebody to Age Concern and was introduced to a scheme that was called "a friend to chat to" and they have become from good friends on the phone.
    Hazel c uk🌈🌈


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