
Sunday 14 February 2021

Blah blah, same old

 Not writing much because there's nothing much to write about!  Stuck indoors and stuck in a rut.  Sorry, wallowing in self pity today...well, the past few days if I'm honest.  Lockdown has really got to me.  I'm so sick of not being able to go anywhere or see anyone or do anything nice.

Oh, I read up on our local Council's social housing policy....seems they do a bid system here too.  I don't know much about it (didn't read it all), but it appears applicant/s are put into a 'band' according to their housing needs...we would be Bronze, i.e. the lowest/of least urgency.  And you are only allowed to bid on properties the Council deems suitable for 'your' needs.  So doesn't look very hopeful.


  1. Lockdown is a right pain, I agree.

  2. This lockdown is doing my head in, I crave time with friends, family and neighbours.

  3. I think the combination of lockdown and winter is getting to everybody. I'm hoping that Spring and the easing of rules will help. I got my letter about the vaccine yesterday, just waiting for the call. Hang in there, Sooze, we're on the way out of this! xx

    1. Update - got a phone call from the GP this afternoon. Hubby and myself have had our 1st jab. I feel a bit emotional. The light at the end of the tunnel has suddenly got brighter! Best Valentine's present ever! xx

  4. I know how you feel. The days run together now and I have to really think about what day it is according to my mothers favorite TV shows playing on certain days of the week. But Spring is just around the corner and the vaccines are slowly making their rounds. I'm sure happy days will be here again! We just have to be patient for a while longer.💖

  5. I know just how you feel Sooze. I think the cold weather hasn't helped. Snow has stopped us all even getting out for a walk. Roll on Spring and some sunshine

  6. I would still apply for the housing.

  7. This situation is getting us all down now, Sooze, but there is light at the end of the tunnel now that the vaccine has been given to so many people already. Isnt it horrible when you have to go to hospital alone too. I hate it.
    Good luck with finding your new home. The right place will present itself out of the blue. Stay positive, sending hugs x

  8. Apply. It doesn't cost anything other than your time.

    You might be surprized at what's offered. It's the first step of getting into the system. Then usually you can do internal moves.

    1. Yes this is the way to go. Once you are in the bidding system you might be surprised at what happens. My single son ended up with a three bed house because no one else wanted it. It wasn't even a wreck, but fully renovated and with a newly fenced garden.

    2. Great to have stories like this to help out!

  9. I think lockdown is getting to us all. We would normally have some control over our lives but that has been taken away from us. Everything feels like groundhog day. Hopefully we are beginning to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Spring will be here and once my sciatica gets better I'll be out and about.

  10. Hope you have some brighter moments this coming week I know how hard it is for a lot of people - maybe the signs of spring coming and lighter sunnier days will make everyone feel a little better.

  11. Well , since you aren't in a hurry , apply and can you see or do you know what the properties look like?

  12. Its the not knowing when the end of lockdown will be thats getting me down and the waiting to hear about moving.
    Hope this week is sunnier for you

  13. Hope you're feeling a bit brighter. Hugs. xx


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