
Thursday 4 February 2021

And down again

 We've been dealt a major financial blow, which is going to have a huge effect on our lives both now and in the future.  The two telephone consultations I've had this week have clarified things....i.e.confirmed that things are just as bad as I thought!

Now I know, it's sort of made it a bit easier - still very stressful, but now that we know the situation which has been thrust upon us, I can find a way of dealing with it.  Hopefully.

Suffice it to say that our 'good news' we had recently most definitely isn't.  You'll have to excuse me if I don't post much while we're trying to sort things out.


  1. I am so sorry Snooze that it seems you have got bad news if you need to talk anytime I can assure you i would let you can have my phone number if it helps to talk or maybe I could write. Please don't be on your one. Keep safe. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈

  2. Oh, Sooze, just when you thought things were on the up. I hope you can find a way through it all. If you want to email me any time, please do. I might not have anything practical to offer, but I can listen. Hugs. xx

  3. So sorry to hear. I am sure you are well capable to deal with it. But still wish you the strength to do so. xxx

  4. Keep going, you'll get there in the end I'm sure.

  5. Knowing the extent of what you are dealing with makes it easier, in my opinion. I'm sorry to hear that things aren't great but I have tremendous faith in you getting a plan in place and moving forward. My husband has lost his job numerous times when the company he worked for went bust. We even had pay cheques bounce and got nothing from the receiver but with straight talking and a plan we hot through it.

  6. Sorry to hear of your recent news - lets hope you get some good news soon to balance it. Financial problems are difficult at this age when you don't have any earning power and a great number of years ahead to make up the loss. x

  7. Hope your brain waves help save this situation. Sleep on it, that helps straighten some things out. Think outside the box on this one.
    Sounds like a fortune cookie, doesn't it. My way of saying good wishes!

  8. Sooze, I am so very sorry to read this. Wishing you all the brain power and strength you need to deal with things and to come out the other side. Sending love.

  9. So sorry to hear this Sooze. Hand in there, you'll get through this! xx

  10. Sorry to hear the above at least you know where you stand now so can move forward.
    Kind regards


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