
Friday 12 May 2023

3 more sleeps

 We've been to the caravan today, for a flying visit.....just to take a few laundered things back there, check if we need anything for next week, and give it a clean.  We did some gardening too, I weeded the pots and the little front flower bed (amazing how quickly the weeds had grown) and husband mowed the grass around the plot.  Chatted with some fellow owners and the site owners and were given our invitation to the site's grand 90th anniversary celebration bbq which is taking place on 1 July.  Amazing to think the site has been in the same family ownership all that time.  I wonder how many owners will attend, it'll be a chance to get to know some of those we only know by sight and a quick wave.

I'm so tired again, really not sleeping well at all.  Which is daft really, as I'm well organised for next week's visitors and have already done more than half of the things on my to do list.  Husband's current and potential health problems are weighing on my mind, along with the bids we've put in on bungalows.  Hoping I can catch up with some sleep over the weekend.

Sister messaged me this afternoon to ask about going to a couple of places - she clearly doesn't realise quite how big the county of Somerset is, as both places she mentioned are over an hour's drive away.  One of them is also very hilly, and as she's disabled and walks with sticks she won't be able to get around very well.  Nor will I, come to that!  We'll enjoy ourselves, wherever we go.  Just 3 more sleeps until they get here (assuming I can sleep! 😂 ).


  1. I hope you get some good, restful sleep in. By the sounds of it, you'll need all your energy to keep up with your sister!
    The celebratory bbq should be fun and hopefully, the sun will be shining. xx

  2. Hoping you get some sleep before your company arrives. Enjoy the visit, and enjoy the BBQ when it happens.

    God bless.

  3. Sending sleep vibes. It's not nice when one is tired but sleep stays away. You sound well on top of things so that's good. xx

  4. Hope you get some sleep soon...Your visit will be hopefully, a fun one.


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