
Wednesday 3 May 2023

Baking and more stuff to (try) and remember

 Nethergreen (new reader?  Welcome), that video clip did make me laugh!  As did some of the other comments, thanks.

So I started off yesterday by making pastry and putting it in the fridge to rest.  Then I made a chicken curry for husband - his request for his dinner last night.....for some strange reason, ever since I've become (mostly) vegetarian, I no longer enjoy curries, even veggie ones, and I certainly don't like the smell.  I made enough for 2 portions for him, one to freeze, but he decided it was so nice he ate it all.  He's certainly got a big appetite.  (I had a lemon & pepper dusted basa fillet with new potatoes and peas for my dinner last night).

I then made another turkey and stuffing meatloaf, adding finely chopped onions and grated carrot to the mix, along with extra sage, thyme and chives, tomato and garlic puree, that's been frozen as it's a meal for when sis and friend are here.  Next I did our own quiche for the Coronation - turkey sausage, mature Cheddar, fresh chives from the garden and sage, much more to our taste than spinach and broad beans!  I don't even like broad beans and even if I did, would never think of putting them in a quiche, just seems weird to me.  I sliced the sausages and part fried them first, so they didn't look anaemic in the quiche.  I ummed and ahhed about keeping it in the fridge until Saturday, but decided to freeze it so as to be safe, I'll get it out Saturday early morning.

I decided not to make cakes as well - my back and left knee were protesting about standing in the kitchen for hours, and I didn't want the cakes going in the oven at the same time as the savoury stuff.  I'll do them today instead - a lemon drizzle cake and chocolate chip muffins.  Scones for our Coronation afternoon tea I'll make on Saturday morning - they take no time at all to mix up and always taste nicer freshly baked.  I'll bake them in the AF, they turn out quite well done in that, I've done them a couple of times now.

I had to stop work in the kitchen a few times for things to do with husband - e.g. he was wanting to order something off ebay and wanted my opinion.....he just orders things willy-nilly without checking where the item is coming from (China?), or the feedback ratings of the seller, both of which I've suggested, several times before, that it would be a good idea to do.  I'd asked him to sweep the alley path in front of our garden and trim any overhanging bits of the hedge, as the post and delivery people have trouble getting through otherwise, the alley was getting overgrown and the path very slippy with moss and leaves.....he'd forgotten so I had to remind him.  He also needed reminding to make a necessary phone call and to go to the surgery to collect our prescriptions.  One of his important heart failure meds (the latest one prescribed by his cardiologist, it's to prevent angina - a tablet, in addition to the GTN spray he already has) is always hard to get hold of, every time we've ordered it so far the pharmacy have none in stock and have to specially order it, which takes a few days.  So now they've suggested he (that means me) orders it a week in advance of when we (I) normally put in our monthly order, to ensure that he gets it on time - he's run out of them every month since he was prescribed them due to the delay in the pharmacy getting them in, and the fact that they're in packs of 28 rather than 30 like most of his other meds.  As they're a repeat prescription for him, and he won't be the only patient on them, I don't know why the pharmacy can't put in a regular order every week or so, it seems daft to only order them when he (the patient) needs them.  But I suppose there's something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about....perhaps they're in short supply or something.  All I know is that it's yet another thing I have to remember.


  1. Oh that basket video!!! Yes, GET HELP if you can! And yes, it's a full time job having g a chronic condition. I can just about keep up with 4 different hospital clinics, meds from 3 suppliers, dental appts but it makes my head spin. Doesn't take much for the wheels to come off the wagon...

  2. Since the Covid outbreak three years ago, it's been hard to get some of my meds ordered in time! Aggravating!
    I'll be watching the coronation!

    1. The meds thing is very frustrating, especially when they're meds for a heart condition - it's not something like hayfever we're talking about.

  3. I always feel worn out when you write about all your cooking and baking. You're certainly a whizz in the kitchen! It's very annoying when pharmacies don't have the drugs in that you need, especially, as you say, he's unlikely to be the only person on them. There must be method in their madness, I guess! xx

    1. It wears me out K, I can assure you! I don't always do all that, but when I have several things to cook/bake, I do prefer to do it all in one go - get it over with! xx

  4. My goodness Sooze did you ever do a great deal of baking and cooking ahead.

    God bless.


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