
Saturday 13 May 2023

Eye-watering shopping

 Everything on my 'to do' list is done now, apart from changing the bed linen on Monday morning - oh and ice cream to make.  Husband is in the back garden cutting the grass, which was very overgrown....mind you, it does grow quickly with all the rain we've had recently.  

I went in his bedroom to have a quick check this morning - having made a pretty good job of tidying it at my request the other day, and asking him to keep it tidy, I was a bit irritated to see yet another pile of clothes that he hadn't bothered to put away, plus 3 pairs of shoes left scattered in the middle of the floor.  He's a right Imelda Marcos when it comes to shoes, he's got more than I have!  

I woke up just after 02.30 this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep.  I don't want to go up for a nap, else I won't sleep tonight.  I've got a bottle of Baileys, I might have to have a big glass of that to knock me out before I go to bed!  I almost never drink nowadays, having a couple of minor liver conditions I'm not supposed to drink anyway, but the main reason is I just don't like the taste of alcohol least Baileys more or less tastes like cream with a bit of a kick to it.

We went shopping this morning, we had two full bags extra to what we normally get, in view of the guests coming.  The price was a bit eye-watering, but needs must.  When I asked my sister the other day to remind me what she drinks, she said Scotch and strawberry Nesquik!! 😂😂  Not together, I hasten to add - I didn't even know they still make Nesquik, I do remember sis loved it as a child, she's clearly never grown out of it.  I wasn't actually referring to alcohol anyway, I actually meant tea or coffee 😁

So is there anything on TV tonight other than Eurovision, I wonder - anything worth watching, that is.  I can't be doing with Eurovision, doesn't appeal to me at all.  I would rather watch a good film on a Saturday night - having said that though, husband's and my ideas of a good film don't really match - he likes sci-fi or violent thrillers, I prefer a thought-provoking film with a good storyline.  Or a musical!!  I do love a musical, My Fair Lady, Phantom of the Opera and Mamma Mia being favourites.  Mind you, I doubt I'll be able to keep my eyes open long enough to watch anything much tonight.


  1. I don't know how families with a couple of children manage with the price of everything sky-rocketing. Mind you, a lot don't manage. That's why there are so many food banks. A sad state of affairs.
    There's never anything on a Saturday that we're bothered about watching. It all seems to be reality/ game shows/ celebrity this and that. I'm not bothered about Eurovision either. We live about 15 miles from Liverpool, and were planning (train strikes permitting) on a museum/art gallery visit, until we realised it was Eurovision week! Battling through all those crowds - I think not!
    I don't really like musicals, but My Fair Lady and Oliver, I do like. We have loads of DVD's which we like to watch, instead of the rubbish that is most TV nowadays. xx

  2. I always loved Strawberry Nesquik too and see it still being sold in the grocery stores here. I don't buy it because I would be drinking it all the time. Ha! I might buy it again some day:) Have a nice visit with your sister and her friend.

  3. Prices are still crazy, and one really has to watch what they purchase. Chocolate Nesquik was a treat in our home. Never did have the Strawberry.

    God bless.

  4. It's very worrying how expensive even the basics are now.
    I wonder if a good glug of Baileys would go well in that gorgeous Jamie ice cream. Hmmmm . . . xx


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