
Monday 15 May 2023

On their way - eventually

 My sister and her friend were due to leave their homes at 9 am this morning, however, that's been scuppered - friend has had a minor family emergency she's had to deal with, so they're not now leaving until around 11.30 - 12 noon.  They would have arrived at lunchtime, now it'll be late afternoon.  No matter, they'll get here when they get here.  We weren't planning on going out anywhere with them today anyway, just resting after their long drive and having a catch up.

The house is spick and span (well, as much as it'll ever be), everything's ready, so now I can just relax and await their arrival, and hope there aren't any dramas whilst they're on their journey - sister's friend, who is lovely, just happens to be one of those people who seems to attract drama and strife, without even trying!


  1. Hoping their journey and visit goes without drama! You'll have a ball, I'm sure! xx

    1. Well, 10 mins after they left, they had to go back as friend had forgotten her medication! Which doesn't surprise me at all! xx

  2. At least they will be able to relax when they get to yours, I hope the visit goes well. xx

  3. Hoping you enjoy the visit! Just rest...

  4. Have a wonderful time with your sister and friend - once they get to you . . . xx

  5. You enjoy your time with your sister and friend. Having time to catch up with those we care about is wonderful.

    God bless.

  6. Hope you have a great time with your sister and her friend. It would be nice to have a sister to chat with.


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