
Thursday 9 November 2023


 One of the two bungalows I put bids on last week had 255 bids at close of business on Sunday night, and our bid was ranked at no. 53 on the list, meaning there were 52 people with more priority in front of us - so no chance, in reality.  Or so I thought!  This morning I noticed that our ranking had suddenly changed to......No. 1.  Yes, first on the list.  Must be a glitch in the system, I immediately thought - how can they suddenly discount 52 people in the space of just a few days?  Of course it's entirely possible that several people have dropped out - but not all of them.   I put it out of my mind, which was fairly easy as I was very busy in the kitchen, and was sure it was a mistake anyway.

But then at lunchtime we had a phone call from the Housing Association - saying we were indeed now first on the list and offering us a viewing!  I was almost rendered speechless with amazement.  We're going next Tuesday morning - how exciting!

It's a small detached 2 bedroom bungalow, with an attached car port and drive.  It has an open plan front garden, and secure walled and fenced back garden.  It's air source pump heating - which I know very little about, having not had it before.  It also has solar panels on the roof, which should make the electricity a lot cheaper.  And there's a wet room bathroom, so no more having to climb in and out of the bath to have a shower.  The property is currently being decorated, hence why we can't go until next week, and will apparently be ready for occupation from the 20th November!!!  Assuming we like the place, however, we shan't be moving in then - there's no way we'd be ready to move in less than a fortnight, the very thought of that brings me out in a cold sweat.  

It's in a small cul de sac of all bungalows, so a retirement community (there's a community centre with resident warden nearby, she takes care of any worries the residents might have).  It's in a village about 15 miles from here, near to Minehead - so although shops and GP aren't in walking distance, they're closer than we are here.  And there's a bus service through the village.  All in all it sounds just right, but we're reserving judgement until after we've seen it next week.


  1. The housing market must be very tight there to get that many bids. What a miracle you got to #1.

  2. Ooooh, I'm so excited for you! I do hope you like it when you look round. A property can sound ideal on paper, but it's only when you go and get the feel of a place that you know if it's right for you. If you can, try and have a word with a couple of neighbours, too. xx

  3. Best of luck with the bungalow. 🤞

  4. I know I don't comment often but I just wanted to tell you, you will be in my prayers, and I am very hopeful that this unit will check all your requirements. Good luck and good wishes. Ranee (MN) USA

  5. Oh Sooze, what unbelievably good news. I can understand why you suspected a glitch in the system - I'd have thought the same. I hope all goes well with the viewing and the organising of removals, etc. So thrilled for you both! xx

  6. Hope this is a good one for you to take place at. Just be careful if it doesn't seem right. Pray all will go well for you both.

  7. What a wonderful surprise! I'm so happy for you both.

  8. Hoping this is suitable for you both. Good luck, Josie

  9. I am so happy for you. I hope it is everything you want. I can feel your excitement from here in the middle of the USA. (English lady married to an American). Can't wait to read about the viewing.

  10. How exciting. Hope it will be a good one.

  11. Excellent news. I do hope it turns out to be as good as it sounds. Looking forward to hear about the viewing.

  12. I would think they will want you to take it right away or they will give it to someone else. That happened to us so we took it and paid rent but didn't move in for 2 months. It was well worth doing rather than losing it. We are very happy in our place. Think about what you want to do if that becomes your situation. There are plenty of other people eager to take it immediately if you won't. USA

  13. How exciting. I hope that it turns out to be perfect for you.

    God bless.

  14. What absolutely brilliant news. I am so happy for you.

    You were obviously deemed the most suitable people on the list of bids for that specific property and moved up and up as all the others ahead of you were discounted. It's great news, my fingers are crossed for a good viewing next week ... you are going to be SO excited by then, I would be. xx

  15. That sounds like it could be perfect for you. Keeping my fingers crossed that you like it.

  16. Oh, wow - how wonderful. Fingers very, very firmly crossed indeed. xx


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