
Saturday 11 November 2023

What an idiot!

 The nice letting agent man who rang us on Thursday asked for 3 forms of ID for each of us, one of which had to include our photo - good job I have the Government Voter Certificate with photo I applied for last year, seeing as I don't have a driving licence or passport.  So I spent yesterday morning getting out all the relevant things, taking photos of them and then uploading them to my computer.  Anything like that takes blimmin ages to upload, seeing as our internet here deep in the country is sooooo slooooowww.  Having done it - eventually - and emailed everything to the letting agent, it ONLY THEN suddenly occurred to me that I could have simply sent the email and photos from my phone, bypassing the step of uploading them to my laptop!  Duhhh!!  Sometimes even I'm surprised at my blondeness (although I'm no longer blonde!). πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’.  And then just to illustrate how much of an idiot I am....we were having prawn cocktail on jacket spuds with salad for dinner, I mixed up the Marie Rose sauce in a bowl, then started adding the king prawns to it....before I'd cooked them (I bought them raw).  😱 OMG!!!  So I had to fish them out (thank goodness I hadn't thrown all of them in and hadn't started mixing them in with the sauce) and rinse them off under the tap.  What an idiot.  I can only blame my lack of sleep the night before, and brain overloaded with stuff to do.

In the afternoon we tackled the two large bedrooms - mine was mostly done anyway several months ago, so not many clothes to bag up for the charity shop.  However, I did manage to condense a few things - I have 3 tall narrow antique pine chests of drawers, each of which had one mostly empty drawer.  I did a bit of rearranging and condensed the clothes into 2 of them, leaving one chest empty.  Depending on the space available in the bungalow, I may keep it, or get rid of it.  Husband's room was much more complicated - he hadn't sorted out his clothes back when I did mine - or only a few anyway.  His big wardrobe was stuffed to the gills, mostly with clothes he hasn't worn for ages or no longer fit him.  He mostly wears polo or rugby shirts - he had at least a dozen polo shirts hanging up in his wardrobe, none of which he'd worn for months and months (he generally wears the same 3 or 4 ones which never actually make it into his wardrobe, being simply left in a pile on his bedroom chair).  The ones in the wardrobe included 3 brand new ones, never worn, that he bought probably back in the early Spring.  He is such a hoarder, simply because it never occurs to him to sort anything out.  We got it done eventually, his wardrobe - which we will be selling as it's much too big for the bungalow - is now almost empty, the clothes he's keeping have gone into his chest of drawers (having drastically condensed the contents) and a large lidded plastic box.  We now have another 2 bin bags of clothes to go to the charity shop, and a couple of bags of of stuff to go to the tip - holey socks (why does he keep them?!), baggy shapeless boxers (ditto), some old toiletries, broken bits and pieces.  

Husband suggested that he start sleeping in the small bedroom - my craft room but it does have a single bed in it - so we can dismantle his double bed and that will make room to store packed boxes.  That's actually a good idea.  I'd decluttered my craft stuff ages ago, but the room has gradually become a dumping ground again over the past few months, so that will be the next room for us to get stuck into today.

He did make me laugh yesterday.....we'd been discussing what to get rid of and where we could potentially put things in the bungalow - depending on the size of the rooms, of course.  Husband then said, in all seriousness, that we shall need to work out where we're going to put the TV (it's up on the wall in our current house).  So we know where his priorities lie!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  1. That sounds like something my husband would say! Switching the telly on is (almost) the first thing he does in the morning. Well done on the sorting. You've got a real incentive now. I'm not surprised that you made a couple of bloomers, your mind must be in a whirl! xx

  2. < chuckle> First things first, for sure.
    Your sorting is going at a great rate of knots, isn't it? Good for you. xx

  3. Wow just read your post you've been offered a bungalow, I am so pleased for you, do hope you think it will suit you, exciting times!

  4. I think I would say that as what my hubby watches I have absolutely no interest in at all. Wow, you got a great deal sorted today.

    God bless.


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