
Friday 5 July 2024

Excitement -v- apprehension

 Kitchen bloke coming this morning and I'm half excited, half apprehensive....the apprehension being with regard to husband.  I know what sort of layout I'd like for the kitchen - pretty much the same as it is now actually, with a couple of changes.  And in any case, we need to hear what the kitchen bloke is going to say first, he might have different ideas (or instructions from the Housing Association as to what we can have).  Seeing as it's me who spends most time working in the kitchen, I think I'm entitled to have the final say, although I will take into account husband's views.  However, he's been pontificating for weeks now about what he 'wants' or thinks we should have, and quite often his ideas aren't practical.  E.g., he wanted the fridge freezer in between the washing machine and the sink - erm no, that means it would be in front of the window, covering up half of it!  He didn't think that one through - as usual.  He also suggested we have the microwave and air fryer in purpose built units up on the wall - his idea being to get them off the worktops.  Sorry but no - I don't want cooking appliances up on a wall at head height - impractical and unsafe in my opinion, I want them at waist height on the worktop - we have sufficient work surfaces.

He's now in a huff and announced he'll keep his mouth shut and let me make all the decisions.  I know that won't last, he won't be able to contain himself once the bloke's here, he'll be butting in and trying to dominate the conversation, it's what he does.


  1. If I had my way the air fryer and microwave would both go in the bin. Our kitchen is tiny with only two wall cupboards and two and a half floor cupboards. The work surface is covered with rubber mats that hubby thinks are essential.

  2. I wouldn't worry about your Hubby's fancy for highline purpose-built units for the microwave and air fryer - I really can't see the housing association providing anything other than normal floor and wall units, as anything else would put the price up for them! Also, I reckon the kitchen bloke will be well used to husbands giving them the benefit of their opinions, and will be able to deflect it lol!

  3. I'm sure by now you're all sorted and will get the kitchen YOU want. Hopefully you and hubby haven't come to blows! Can't wait to see the finished results - I bet you can't either. xx

  4. There should be no problem in getting the layout that you want. The kitchen planner will be well used to listening to the one that is obviously the cook of the house. They are usually very diplomatic.

  5. I hope it goes well. Men are "experts" in stuff they know nothing about. Good luck.

  6. Hold your own, hold your own! You have to live with the kitchen when it’s done and DH will have a fit no matter how it’s done. He’ll get over it while it will be your daily workspace.

  7. Hopefully you will be able to express your wishes without interruptions. It's your domain, you have the final say! xx

  8. If only he does keep his mouth shut.😂


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