
Wednesday 26 July 2023

A restful day, timekeeping and thin legs

 I think the beauty of a day at the caravan is that it's a day where I have literally nothing to do, except get lunch out of the fridge (I prepare it in the morning at home and take it with us, yesterday we had egg salad wraps with finger-cut veggies).  So I can just sit and read all day if I want to, making a coffee when I want one.  Which is what I did yesterday, and had a couple of chats with the site owner and a fellow van owner.  There were only 3 other owners on site yesterday, plus a family on holiday in a motorhome, they packed up and left shortly after we arrived.  So it was extremely quiet.  We've noticed so far this year far fewer owners have been coming to stay in their vans - I suspect partly due to the unsettled weather, and also maybe because of rising costs - of food, home energy bills and fuel costs.  As the majority of owners have a fair distance to travel to the site (around 80-100 miles for most, even longer for a few, like our lovely van neighbours C&J), fuel costs aren't cheap.  I expect a few more will come now, as it's the school summer holidays, although the site is never full even in the height of summer.  So I had a lovely relaxing day.

The latest thing with husband is that he's now oblivious of time - he's never been a good timekeeper anyway, now it's much worse.  E.g. yesterday morning he had an 08.20 am appointment at the surgery before we went to the van.  He took Betty out beforehand as usual, telling me he wouldn't be out long - he was actually about 10 or 15 mins longer than usual, when that happens it's generally because he's stopped to have a chat with a neighbour....which is exactly what occurred yesterday.  He got back in at 08.05 and proceeded to start getting himself some breakfast - until I pointed out that he hadn't got time for that and needed to leave immediately to go to the surgery.  ("Oh, so I've got to go without breakfast?!" was his disgruntled reply).  This sort of thing has happened regularly over the past few weeks, he knows (that's if he's remembered!) that we are going out somewhere, or one or the other of us has got an appointment, but the minutes ticking along just pass him by and he'll still be sitting at his computer playing games, or dozing in his armchair, or searching for something in his messy shed or garage, completely oblivious of time.

Having to remember all my stuff (I'm not getting any younger either, so my memory isn't what it used to be!), plus all of his, and keep on top of all our appointments and chivvy him up when he's oblivious as usual - it's all so wearing.  And sometimes my poor brain feels like it's so bursting at the seams with stuff to remember and do that it simply cannot cope with even one more thing.

My back is agony again today - sitting around most of the day yesterday (or it might have been standing outside for an hour chatting to a fellow owner) hasn't done it a lot of good.  I'll have to move about a bit more and do a few exercises whilst I'm busy today.

Weighed myself this morning and was pleasantly surprised to find I've lost another 2lbs, so 10lbs in total now.  Whilst I'm obviously happy about it, I wish the weight would vanish off places where it most needs to the moment it seems to be going off my thighs, whereas I'd rather it went off my fat belly!  I've never had fat legs anyway, my legs have always been the slimmest part of me, it's my torso that's most overweight!  At this rate I'll look like a toffee apple on a stick.


  1. I'm sorry he's being so difficult. Wish I could help...Maybe you and Betty go to the caravan for a few days?
    How are you getting the weight off? Im stalled!
    Well done!

  2. Is there any sort of device (watch type thing) that could notify him when he's got to be somewhere? It might not work for him, but might be worth looking into. Brilliant weight loss! Although I'm almost back to where I was at 21 (when I was slim and taut), my belly still wobbles. I just keep hoping that everything will sort of shift about a bit! xx

  3. Van life sounds absolutely delightful.
    I had to laugh at that last sentence but I know how frustrating it is when the weight comes off the wrong places and, sadly, for us women after menopause, middle fat is so hard to get rid of.. The only thing I can think of is exercise and that isn't really practical for you right now.
    But you ARE losing weight steadily and, at some point, it has to start coming off those 'problem areas'.

  4. It's my chunky hips that irritate me. I look like Betty Boop.

  5. I wonder if a watch with an alarm would help your Hubby with his time management? For the first time ever I took medication for my aching back and hips this morning.

    God bless.

  6. Oh gosh, you made me laugh ... you really don't want to end up looking like a toffee apple!! But brilliant news on the weight loss, well done.


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