
Friday 14 July 2023

Pain management and veggie food

 Horrendous weather today so we won't be going anywhere, so a day to keep busy indoors, particularly as we're both suffering with pain and need to occupy ourselves to take our minds off the pain.  Easy for me to keep busy, I can always find something to do, but I'll have to encourage husband to get on with a few small jobs.  He's brooding about the housing situation again, he just can't accept that there's nothing we can do but keep putting in bids and then having to be patient.  It's very frustrating I agree, but I don't brood about it because it's out of my hands, I can't do anything to speed things up or find the perfect property.

Thanks everyone for all your helpful suggestions (via email too) re pain management and dry eyes treatment - the optician prescribed drops called Hycosan Dual, I've been using them twice a day since Wednesday, I wouldn't say there's any great improvement yet but perhaps it's early days.  I have been told by my GP that for pain management to be effective, I should take paracetamol in recommended doses (i.e. 2 tablets 4 times a day) - just taking one dose only when I feel I can't cope with the pain simply doesn't work, as I can vouch for.  However, I'm not one for taking tablets on a regular basis, it just feels wrong to me.  But that's just me, I have a (probably irrational) fear of becoming addicted, or that the body gets used to them and they won't be very effective anymore.  But I need to get on top of this current pain so I will just have to do as the doctor says and take them regularly for a while.  I took 2 doses yesterday and still didn't sleep very well (been up since just after 04.00) because of the pain, so will take 4 doses today.  I can't take ibuprofen or naproxen as I have an adverse reaction to them, it's on my medical notes that I can't be given them.  I've got a TENS machine but don't find that helpful either.

Anyway.....moving on.  Yesterday I made us a lovely dinner, if I do say so myself.  We had turkey sausages (turkey or chicken sausages are the only ones I eat) with cauli cheese mash, peas and cauli leaves.  It was a lovely fresh cauliflower with beautiful unblemished fresh green leaves, so I used them as the greens, chopping and stirfrying them in a little butter and olive oil, delicious.  The cauli head I broke into florets and riced in my little electric chopper, then cooked it in a little veg stock.  When cooked I stirred in some cream cheese, a handful of grated cheese and some dried sage and thyme and put it in the microwave, yum.  There's plenty left to have today, with fishcakes and sweetcorn.

We've drastically cut down on carbs for the past 2 or 3 days, the surest way for me to lose weight.  It's working for me already, I'm peeing for England - I always do when I cut out bread, potatoes, pasta etc.  I bought a veg cookery magazine yesterday, it's got a nice recipe in it for a courgette and cheese frittata, I think I'll make a double size one and use a couple of grated carrots in it as well - I like the combination of carrots and cheese.

I'm going to do a big choppy salad box today (by the way, Sue of A Smaller and Simpler Life, who gave me the idea - having tried it a couple of weeks ago, I'm astounded at how well the salad lasts by your method of keeping it in a lidded plastic box, putting a piece of kitchen tissue on top of the salad and turning the box upside down), I'll have it for lunches with crumbled feta cheese or canned tuna, husband will have shredded ham - I cooked a small gammon for him yesterday.


  1. I had a knee replacement six weeks ago but prior to that I was in agony with knee pain. Like you I did not want to take 8 paracetamol a day but it really did help especially after taking them for some time, although I did cut down to 6 a day. I would definitely try it, hope your pain gets a little better soon.
    Do you eat white bread or white pasta? They may also make your pains worse.
    Best wishes Heather.

  2. I think men, generally, find it hard to accept that sometimes they can't 'sort it out'. Women seem to be much more realistic, in a way.
    (that is, of course, a generalisation)
    I'm sorry the pain is so bad at the moment, Sooze. Sending love.

  3. Luckily, I've never had chronic pain, but others have told me that taking paracetamol regularly (whether you feel you need it or not) does help. It made me laugh when you said you're peeing for England. I found that, too when I first cut out the carbs. I suppose, because most of the food is now basically water, it's got to go somewhere! At least we know our kidneys are working.đŸ˜„ xx

    1. Just remembered, I did have chronic trigeminal neuralgia several years ago. Paracetamol didn't touch it. The only thing that worked was, ironically, Amitriptyline! Mind you, I was a lot younger then, so (hopefully) it didn't addle my brain! xx

  4. Chronic pain is miserable Sooze. The best thing to do is get on top of it by taking the meds regularly whether you want to or not. I've been making a week worth of tossed salad boxes for several years now. I add protein and any dressing just before I serve up. It's so handy just lifting out a box from the fridge and only having to prep once a week.

  5. I've had back pain for years and also had a habit of trying to get by without painkillers until it gets to be too much - I'll try the recommended approach next time too. I hope it helps, especially with your ability to sleep xx

  6. The salad sounds perfect!

  7. I'm glad the choppy salad (with it's paper towel topper) is working for you. Doesn't it save a lot of faffing about during the week once it's there ready for use in the fridge. It makes me add vegetables to more of my meals and stop being lazy when it's there ready for use.

    I hate taking tablets so having to take paracetamol every day for the past couple of years took some getting used to, but it's worth it to me to be able to move around and get more done. The doctor promised me it is completely non-addictive and as long as you keep to the recommended dosage is very safe. All my recent kidney and blood tests show me to be in brilliant health ... I just need a new back!

  8. Glad to here about your wonderful recipes ....I am just amazed at how good it all sounds. I guess the brain tests the other day were a pain in the rear. In more ways than one. ;)


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