
Thursday 13 July 2023

Everything hurts

 The eye problem is nothing to worry about, thankfully, it's something called dry eye syndrome which can be treated with drops, which I was given.  However, my close up/reading sight has worsened considerably and I need new reading glasses, I'll choose them another time.  And now I have early cataracts in both eyes (it was just one the last time I went), but it'll be years before they need an op.

The bungalow I put a bid on yesterday has been withdrawn from the list, annoyingly.  This has happened a few times now.....the housing association or Council don't give a reason, it could be that a problem was found with the property that needs dealing with, the property usually gets put back on the list in a week or two.  Getting a successful house move is such a long-winded process...we were told right at the start it probably would be, but it is really frustrating all the same.  We've been waiting 8 months now and have bid on loads of must be successful at some point, it's irritating waiting though.  We're in limbo all the time, with several things not just the housing.

My back and hip are no better, which is impacting my sleep.  I'll have to try taking more paracetamol doses (just the recommended doses!) for a few days, to see if that helps.  As I'm obviously walking or standing differently, because of the pain, it's also causing problems with my knees and even my left shoulder, I feel like a decrepit old wreck at the moment, everything hurts.

Happy Hooker put on a link to a doctor talking about anticholinergic meds yesterday, I watched it and then did some further research.  Although I've heard of anticholinergics, I didn't know anything about them - well apparently they're not recommended for older people, as they can cause no end of problems, especially memory loss and confusion.  Thank you HH, it's been very enlightening.  As it happens, husband isn't on any of the meds mentioned, luckily - however, I have been taking one of them, amitriptyline, for the back pain and they do help me to sleep.  Well, I won't be taking it anymore.  I know this pain I'm currently experiencing will most likely be shortlived, I just have to find ways of dealing with it (or ignoring it) in the short term.


  1. I don't know if this will help, but often ibuprofen taken in sync with paracetamol helps me (for example, paracetamol at 8 am, ibuprofen at 11.00, paracetamol at 2 pm etc. Or alternatively a topical ibuprofen gel on the bits that really hurt. My OH can't take ibuprofen because of other meds, but can use a gel. Waiting for a house to come available must be very frustrating for you both, together with all the other worries.

    1. Unfortunately, neither husband nor I can take ibuprofen (or any anti-inflammatories) for different reasons. But thank you.

  2. How very frustrating for you. It sounded quite nice and worth going to look.
    I'm so glad the eye issue can be sorted out. Phew.

  3. I'm glad the video has highlighted possible problems for you, and you've decided to stop taking them. No point in helping one symptom and getting others (possible worse) in return! I found it fascinating, too. Does good old-fashioned Paracetamol help your back and hip pain?
    It must be so frustrating waiting to see if your housing bids have been successful. You can't plan anything. Oh, well, it is what it is, and I'm sure one of these days, you'll be moving into that lovely bungalow.🤞xx

  4. I can't imagine the constant background stress of the housing process, I can't help thinking there should be a better way... I recently stopped taking amitriptyline because it can impact the liver, now I have another reason to be glad I did!

  5. I would try the regular doses of paracetamol for a few days to see if that can bring your pain under control.
    As a chronic pain sufferer I was told by my doctor that it was quite safe to take the recommended four doses of paracetamol every day to keep pain levels manageable ... for up to 40 years if necessary. As I doubt I'll last that long I have had no qualms about taking it every day for the last two years. In fact the only time the pain becomes unbearable is when I go to bed having missed the last dose because I think I don't need it. The next day is usually awful.

  6. I have suffered from dry eye for many years and found the drops I was prescribed not at all effective. Three months ago visiting an optometrist I mentioned this to her and she prescribed a gel 'Lacrigel' which is excellent. I live in France so the product may have a different name in the UK if it is available.


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