
Saturday 7 September 2024

Betty sick

 We had a very anxious evening yesterday, Betty was very poorly indeed.  Having slept all afternoon and not wanting to go out for a walk, she showed no interest whatsoever in her dinner, wouldn't even go near or sniff it.  Come early evening, it was obvious she wasn't well - she looked decidedly unwell, her back was arched, head and tail down, she was trembling and was very clingy, then was suddenly sick.  Throughout the evening she kept drinking loads of water, kept being sick (mostly in the garden but didn't make it out there a couple of times) and had the runs - thankfully, outside.  I rang the vets, the nice lady vet said it sounded like Betty had a bug or an upset stomach, possibly as a result of eating something she shouldn't - she doesn't eat socks or anything like that indoors, but has always been a bit of a scavenger outside - she'll happily root out bits of decayed food (or who knows what!) and eat it if she gets half a chance.  Anyway, the vet said to keep an eye on her but to ring back and be prepared to take her into the surgery if she got worse or we got more worried - I was very worried anyway!  

Betty always sleeps on my bed every night - she's always been a restless sleeper, frequently fidgeting and changing position, sometimes she jumps off the bed and goes to lie in her own bed for a while, then comes and jumps back on the bed.  Last night, as soon as I went to bed she immediately followed me (she hadn't wanted to leave my side all evening) but - and this was a first and rather worrying - she couldn't jump up on the bed, it was as if she didn't have the strength.  Husband had to lift her up - not easy when she weighs 30 kg.  She immediately snuggled right into my side and stayed there - again a first - all night.  She did go to sleep very quickly, but for the first hour or so I could feel her body trembling and her breathing was ragged - not laboured as such, but not normal for her.  I eventually dozed off and by the time I woke in the early hours to go to the loo, she was still fast asleep and resting peacefully, no trembling and her breathing seemed back to normal.

Thankfully, this morning she seems much better - she jumped off the bed ok, has wee'd and pooed normally in the garden, no trembling, her head and tail are back up.  She seemed hungry, so we gave her a scrambled egg, which she ate straight away, and kept it down.  She's still quite subdued but has wagged her tail at me several times, she's currently dozing on the sofa (she jumped up by herself).  So I'm optimistic that it was just a stomach upset and she'll be fine.  I was so very worried last night though - she's my baby and my world.  I'll give her plain cooked chicken mince and grated carrot this evening, which she loves, and keep a close eye on her for a couple of days.


  1. It's such a worry when our pets are ill - we've got 5 pets in total - not really ideal! A couple of weeks ago our big rabbit took ill, £310 later after a day in the vets he's back with us. The eldest dog is 15, cat 12, rabbits nearly 8 and pup 17mths. Hope Betty is back to normal soon.

  2. What a worry for you both. I'm glad she seems to be on the mend, now. A couple of days being pampered (not that she isn't already!) with some nice, easily digested food, should see her back to normal. Give her an ear scratch from me. xx

  3. It's so worrying when they're that poorly isn't it. Happily it sounds like a good night's sleep cuddled up to 'Mum' was the best medicine. ❤️

  4. So glad that she seems to be on the mend. They are such a worry when not well.

  5. Don't have a dog but I've heard of giving pumpkin puree, not pie, to help with a dog's sick stomach.

  6. It is horrid when our pets are poorly especially when it's unexplained. Glad she's on the up.

  7. Poor Betty and you too. Such a worry. I'm glad she seems on the mend now. xx

  8. What a worry for you! They say arched back means tummy pain in a dog, so it's likely as you say she's picked up a bug and it's now left her system. Hope she's soon entirely back to her usual self 🤞🏻🤞🏻


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