
Thursday 12 September 2024

Replies to comments

 Julia, thank you for the 'Oodie' review, I'll go for a cheaper one!

Jean, re your blanket/wearing comments.....I'm sorry if I was a bit ambiguous.  I only crochet blankets - baby, lap and bed size ones, I don't crochet things to wear, although I have made shawls as gifts.  I wouldn't attempt to crochet a 'wearable' type of blanket - I meant I was going to buy some, probably off the internet - the 'Oodie' type of thing which are made of fleece.

Regarding your suggestion for me to get a provisional licence, so I could drive in the event of husband not being able to, with him sitting beside me as the qualified driver....I admit I was quite surprised at that.  For a start, that kind of assumes that I can, or know how to, drive - I don't.  I have no intention of getting a provisional licence and taking lessons - I'm far too nervous for that, the more so the older I get.  I did have 3 or 4 lessons a very long time ago (I was 21, I'm  now nearly 65) but for various reasons it was not a success and I quickly gave up.  And in any case, as husband pointed out when I read your comment out to him, if he had blurry eyesight (due to eye drops e.g.), it would not be legal for him to supervise a provisional driver.

Scarlet, I did realise your comment was in reply to mine on your blog - made me laugh!


  1. I had to google the Oodie as I'd never heard of them. I can see that once bought, you'd be reluctant to take it off! I have crocheted cardigans. Not as difficult as you might think, Sooze. Have a Google and see if there's anything you fancy. You could even use some of your stash to make a scrappy cardie!
    Like you, I had 3 driving lessons in my 20's and hated every second! All I could think of was children, dogs, cats, etc suddenly running in front of me. I think I'd be OK on a straight road, with no-one else around.🤣 xx

  2. I have a heated Throw blanket which is super cosy and it is fleecy but has power through it a bit like an electric blanket, very low cost power too. They are available here in Aus at most cheap shops as well as Target, KMart and some supermarkets. Just an idea if you haven't heard of them. Have a good week.

  3. I second the heated throw this will be the third winter coming with mine and it is a godsend. I got it from Lakeland as you get a 3 year guarantee it is grey velour and it's so cosy. Our dog always wants to sit at my feet on the bottom of it with the gas fire in front of her- she feels the cold now she's older!

  4. I have the grey heated blanket from Lakeland too - and I'm so glad you reminded me, Rosie and Lola's Mum. I will get it down - amazingly, I do know where it is! xx


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