
Sunday 1 September 2024

Choices and thoughts

 Having spent one night back here at home, I'm almost reluctant to go back to the caravan this afternoon.  But it's the sensible thing to do - Betty would be all anxious and whining whilst the men are here finishing off the kitchen tomorrow, and I don't want her (or husband!) brushing against wet walls and paintwork.  K, that really made me laugh, the idea of husband and dog leaving wet paint silhouettes against other walls and furniture ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

We'll come back home Tuesday afternoon, I reckon that'll be enough time for the emulsion to dry - the only bit of glossing left to do is the curtain rail thing over the kitchen window, which obviously isn't in the reach of husband or Betty.  And emulsion on walls dries quickly, so 24 hours should be ample time.

Husband has already been asking me which bags/boxes I want to unpack first, and where I'll be putting the stuff.....I've said I'll just do one bag or box at a time, it doesn't really matter which order I do them in, just whatever comes to hand first.  As for where everything will be going.....pretty much in the same places as it all was before, the new cupboards are all in the same places as the old ones, except for 2 completely new (additional) cupboards.  I put things in the most logical places - i.e. the cleaning stuff in the under-sink cupboard, cooking pans where the air fryer and table top oven will go, washing machine supplies in the new cupboard above the washing machine, etc etc.  I might give husband a shopping list and send him out shopping whilst I'm putting stuff back in the cupboards, so I can get on with it without him talking at me and trying to 'help' by putting things away where I'll have to hunt around for them and move them from later!!  He's got to have a finger in every pie, he just can't help himself. ๐Ÿ˜’

We've not made a final decision yet, there's some more thinking and discussion to be done over the winter period, but I think we may well be giving up the caravan next year.  It's served a purpose, we've had lovely times there for the past 5 years and made some wonderful memories, but there are now more disadvantages than advantages.  We haven't used it nearly as much this year (mainly since our lovely friends C & J departed in April), so we're really paying out quite a considerable amount of money now for something that we're not using much.  As I said, we'll come to a final decision during the closed season this winter.  The site fees are paid up to the 2 June next year, so we have plenty of time to make up our minds.  Once again I'm making sensible choices - head over heart.  But my heart isn't really in it anymore in any case.


  1. Yes, the caravan served its purpose, but now you're in such a lovely home, it's become redundant. The site fees you save can be used for something else. I gasped when you said you'd had the caravan for 5 years! My, doesn't time fly? xx

  2. 5 years! I didn't think it was that long. Such a shame to give it up, you both worked so hard to make it lovely when you first had it. You haven't been so often this year because of the excitement of your new home and all the work you've done there, plus the awful weather. Don't be put off by your neighbours leaving and a few dogs on this visit. You are so lucky to have it. It would be awful for you to regret it later on. You've had a very busy and stressful year. Now you are settled and the hard work done, you will have more time to go next year and enjoy your breaks from the new new place in a more relaxed way. Like you say, think carefully, the change and rest has done you a power of good in previous years.
    Enjoy your new kitchen.

  3. Your home situation has transformed now you are in your forever bungalow and I also sense you'd like to achieve a lot more in your lovely garden. Freeing up time and money to do that may be the right thing for you to do now - you'll know best when it's time for that change. Also, it may be best to do it before the long drive becomes more difficult for your husband to cope with?

  4. It hardly seems 5 minutes since you were getting the caravan ready for the first time. I've no idea where five years have gone. Now that you are happily settled into your forever home perhaps you don't need to escape anymore

  5. Yes if you're not enjoying the caravan as much, best let it go.. you might find something to do in its place.

  6. I would imagine that you are missing your friends and that staying at the caravan is just not the same. Giving it up could be a plus and you are taking your time thinking about doing so.

    God bless.

  7. That is a great shame but you have over half a year to think about it and you are so very happy in your home now that perhaps one of the reasons for the caravan has now disappeared. Is it really five years though? Oh, my goodness.
    I am sure the money would be very useful in other ways.
    You're giving it time and that's good. xx

  8. I thought you looked at getting the caravan in the Summer of 2021?

    You know yourself when it's time to let something go, always go with your heart. It was lockdown and the different rules in England and Wales that made me decide to sell our caravan on and instead look to move to the small town nearest to it. You would most likely get a good price for your van if you sold it with some of next years site fees paid.


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