
Saturday 31 August 2024

It's fabulous!

 The kitchen looks fabulous - so different and so nice.  I was a bit concerned that it might look too dark with the cabinet and worktop colour choices I'd made, but it doesn't - helped I guess by the large kitchen window, white tiles and magnolia walls.  I know magnolia isn't everyone's cup of tea but I've always liked it because it's light and bright and provides a good neutral backdrop for colour introduced by furnishings and pictures etc.  The cupboards, worktops, tiles and flooring are all in place (they have done well!) - all that's left is to finish off the painting (it's been started already) and clear up after themselves.  The new flooring (vinyl which looks just like laminate wood and is lovely) is currently covered with sheeting to protect it from paint splashes.  I'm sure they'll be finished on Monday, but we'll stay at the caravan until Wednesday, to give the paint time to dry properly, otherwise husband and Betty will be getting it all over themselves!

So here are a couple of pictures (taken on my phone, so forgive the quality and light, it's very much lighter in real life):-

The guys have even put the fridge back and re-plumbed in the washing machine, how kind of them.  They've also capped off the electric cooker fitting (we don't have an ordinary domestic full size cooker) and fitted a new electric socket for the fridge - actually they've given us all new sockets.  I couldn't be more pleased with it all, and am so grateful that we've been given this lovely new kitchen without having to pay for it, how fortunate we are.

We'll be getting a new tall 50/50 fridge freezer in due course, to replace the old under-counter fridge (which we were given for free ages ago).  The old upright freezer can stay out in the car port until we get the new fridge freezer, then we'll get rid of it, along with the old fridge - there's a charity in the town who I'm sure will have them, and will come and collect.  Once we're home I'll arrange for the vertical blind fitter to come back and re-measure the window for accuracy, it'll be so nice to have a new vertical blind instead of the net curtain we had there before.  I'm not a fan of nets, but we are overlooked a bit at the back, even more so when the small barn in the back neighbour's garden (just visible in the last picture) is converted to a holiday home, which they have planning permission for.

One thing that struck me when we got back - just how delighted I am to be home, after a few days away.  I'll be even more delighted next week when we're home again and have all the kitchen stuff put back in place.  I really love this little bungalow.  And actually it feels very spacious after being in the caravan!


  1. It all looks fabulous! No wonder you're so chuffed. A good idea to wait for the paint to dry before returning home, though. You don't want a husband and dog with paint on them, and, more importantly, you don't want husband/dog smudges on your walls!🤣 xx

  2. Absolutely beautiful. I love love it. Maybe time to sell the caravan with all the noise and yippy dogs and just stay in your lovely so happy for you. Keep us posted.

  3. Everything looks absolutely wonderful. The men did a great job.

    God bless.

  4. It is fantastic - so clean and fresh and open. Absolutely wonderful and you sound so happy with your lovely forever home. I am just so very glad for you.
    And now you have the fun (not being sarcastic) of finding the perfect places for all your kitching stuff and really making it yours. xx

  5. It looks great, I’m so pleased for you.

  6. Oh, it looks really smart, doesn't it! So fab to have a lovely new kitchen - and you deserve it.

  7. It looks lovely, I would most likely have made very similar choices.


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