
Saturday 5 September 2020

H for H - looks promising!

This morning I mentioned the idea of wood carving or whittling to husband...hmm, he said, looking mildly interested.  I set him up with some appropriate videos on youtube, then left him to it while I got on with making soup for lunch (roasted red pepper and homegrown tomatoes, yummy).

Looks like success!  He found several videos of wood carving, some with stencils, on blocks of wood, using a small dremel multitool thing - he's hooked!  Must be, he spent an hour showing me things and telling me all about them...I'm just glad he's finally found something that seems to really interest him.  He's placed an order for some tools, and has sourced some small blocks of wood - a neighbour has loads from a home project he's doing.  I'm very pleased he's so keen.

We're off up to the Quantocks dog walking with friends this afternoon, it's sunny and fairly warm, if a bit breezy.


  1. This is great news! I think the people who have coped best with lockdown are the people who have hobbies. One of my friends has really struggled and I'm sure it's because she hasn't found enough to keep her busy at home. x

  2. Glad there might be something he is interested in. That is hard when you no longer work and have nothing to do most of the day. My husband builds and flies model airplanes. When he retired he spends a lot of time in his work shop. A win for both of us.

  3. So pleased your husband has found something that he will enjoy.
    Sue you can crochet blankets for the RSPA especially you like dogs.
    Look forward to seeing what you have made.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  4. Thrilled, hope all goes well with his newfound interest.

  5. Has your husband thought about Mens Shed? Our local one has just reopened, there is one in Highbridge, not sure how close that is to you. Know what you mean about crochet. Cold weather hobby only.

  6. Woodcarving is a wonderful hobby. Tony and I joined our woodcarving club about ten or so years ago. Tony goes for a chat and I go to carve but it works well for us both. I will be glad when the school allows us back in for our club night.

  7. That's a good hobby to develop, Michael loves working with wood. He is happy to help with sewing and weaving as well, I did try teaching him to crochet but it was not good. His hands seemed to grow all thumbs and too many of them.

  8. I'd love for Mick to have a crafty hobby but his hobbies are mainly sport, playing and watching.

  9. That is good your hubby is going to try wood carving and whittling as a hobby.


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