
Wednesday 26 January 2022

Feeling meh, but busy day will take care of that

 I didn't sleep at all well last night, couldn't get comfortable and was tossing and turning all night, got up at one point and sat in the recliner chair for an hour.  I'm really achy and sore this morning, Felicity always says I'll probably feel sore for a day or so after her session.  I'm sure it'll wear off later on, but in the meantime I feel right crotchety today.  Well, I'll be busy all day, got lots to do today and tomorrow, so no time to dwell on feelings......although it's probably best if husband keeps out of my way!

Just about to prep ingredients for a lamb hotpot to go in the multichef on slow cook.  Husband has been asking for a rice pudding, so I'll do that in the little slow cooker as well.  Oh, I've got washing to put on the line before that, the forecast is for a better day - 2 or 3 degrees warmer and even a bit of sunshine, so hopefully the washing will dry outside for a change.  It's certainly less grey and murky than it has been of late.

Got clothes and toiletries to get out and pack for our Midlands trip on Friday, the dog's things too and some gifts for my sister.  Must remember to take a cushion for my back, and a travel blanket too - this new (to us) car is blimmin cold, it takes forever to warm up inside - unlike the last one - and I can feel a draught round my legs, where it's coming from I have no idea.

33 days until we can go back to the caravan.....when I first put the countdown thingy on my laptop, it was more than 90 days to go, the time's really racing along.  Can't come soon enough for me, I'm really itching to get back there.  I'm hoping to get everything done in the van by the end of March, that's taking out the old fixed sofa and disposing of it at the tip, putting in battens to strengthen the walls and some insulation stuff, insulating the floor and putting a remnant of carpet down (it's only old lino underneath the old sofa at present), repainting as necessary, putting in the new sofa and recliner.  Adding some extra shelving to the kitchen and rearranging the cupboard contents, swapping the pink plastic drawer set in my bedroom for the new white wood tallboy I bought 2nd hand, putting a couple of new rugs in the bedrooms.  Aiming to get it all done by the end of March means we'll then have 7 months to just relax and enjoy the van, what a treat to look forward to.  We won't be staying over there permanently, we will have to come home for a couple of days every week or 2, to check post, do washing, tidy up the garden, catch up with our neighbours.  


  1. It's going to be wonderful once you get back there, the time is whizzing by isn't it ... February next week!!

  2. Excited for you and your vacation home

  3. Hope the soreness soon goes. If it's 33 days to go, that's only 32 sleeps! The caravan has certainly put a spring in your step. xx

  4. I love a countdown - to something nice!

  5. IT's important to have things to look forward to. I have to get some travel plans made so for my daughter and I. My husband needs a little break as well, but he doesn't have near the vacation time I have.

  6. Too right the days are flying by, you will be back in the caravan relaxing before you know it.

    God bless.


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