
Monday 17 January 2022

Less bad, more good

 There's so much stuff that I have very little control over going on in my life at the moment, and it's causing me no end of stress.  So, having had a good think and considered things over the past few days, I've decided to more or less let go of the stressful stuff and just concentrate on things that I CAN control and/or that give me pleasure. qualify a bit, I can't totally let go of the stressful things, I have to be involved to a certain extent, but I am trying not to let the stuff invade my thoughts 24/7, and to take a step or two back.

So, the better stuff.....

Obviously, the caravan is what makes me really happy and as I said before, I intend to spend a great deal of time there this year and next.  We don't know how much longer we'll be able to keep the van beyond the next 2 or 3 years, so I want as much use out of it as I can, whilst I can.  Having lived in it for the last few weeks of the season last year, I now know what works, what doesn't and what we can improve on to make it better, more useful and more comfortable.  As well as the new lounge furniture, we need to increase insulation in some areas to make it warmer early/late season.  Without spending loads of money, I think the way to do that is to put some insulation sheets (the kind DIY shops sell for behind radiators, or something similar, eg) down on the floor underneath the rugs, and fit thicker linings behind the curtains.  We need to fit something to go over the bathroom window (it's a normal roller blind in there at the moment) as it's blimmin freezing in there when I get up in the night for a wee!

I also need to make better use of the kitchen cupboards and get husband to put up another shelf or 2 for additional storage.  I also want him to construct some sort of store for outside the van door, so the kitchen bin and our wellies/outdoor shoes can be stored outside, instead of taking up space (and dropping bits of mud off our shoes) in the kitchen.  

So those plans are what I'm focusing on and keeping me occupied now.  Another thing is our health - both of us have put on weight since before Christmas - husband says he now weighs more than he's ever done before, largely due to his inactivity.  I've not put on as much as him, but have still gained half a stone or so and it's affecting my joints.  So I'm putting us back on strict diets - not so strict that we'll rebel against it and give up after a couple of days coz we feel so deprived, it'll have to be doable for us.  The main thing for me is cutting down drastically on carbs, I know full well that too many carbs don't suit me at all.  For husband, it'll be getting him to stop snacking between meals (he's terrible for that, it's not that he's hungry, it's just a bad habit) and to have smaller portions.  And he's got to be more active, we both have - but for him it means getting up off his fat backside, turning the damn TV off and actually doing something.  He does agree that he needs to be more active, so that's a start.

So just those couple of things are enabling me to feel a bit less stressed, have a bit more control and have some good things to focus on.


  1. It's hard to see the things that are causing stress and feel powerless to resolve. Taking ownership where you can focus does help. My weight loss strategy is similar. Better quality and less food, move more.

  2. As in the words of the song, accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. I know none of us can totally eliminate the negative, but I'm glad you're focusing on the positive! Planning the modifications for the caravan will keep you busy. Good luck with the weight loss. xx

  3. Stress is an awful thing, you are doing right by concentrating on what you can change. When does your camp site open? Its great that you have an escape place, being in the same four walls for over 2 years is driving me crackers.

    1. 1st March, 42 days to go (I have a countdown thingy on my laptop marking the date!).

  4. It all sounds very sensible. Concentrating on areas that make you happier will push the negative things back a bit, yes they have to be dealt with but you will be better able to do that if you are happier (and healthier) in yourself.

    I found the things that made my caravan more cosy was to make sure the windows were all well covered, especially as the temperature dropped at night. I would go round closing all the curtains and checking for draughts before it went dark.

    The sort of shiny foil pads that you can slip behind radiators could also be cut to size and velcro-ed over the bathroom window at night to make the bathroom seem a bit cosier. It's something that people living in Transit style vans do on their windows to keep warmer.

    1. Good idea for the bathroom window Sue, thanks.

  5. "getting up of his fat backside" made me laugh out loud!

  6. It sounds like you're taking control in a good way. The plans for the caravan sound like you will make it lovely and cosy.

  7. I lived in my caravan (not a static, but a twin axle tourer) for 5 years and although it had gas central heating, it was too expensive to use. I found that an oil-filled radiator was a more economical way of keeping the 'van warm. I had several woollen throws available for keeping knees and shoulders warm too. And a cuddly dog . . . . .

  8. Really, it sounds like you are taking control and making your life less stressful. I love the ideas you are coming up with for your caravan.

    God bless.

  9. I think you're absolutely right - you can't get rid of the bad stuff but you can make a deliberate effort to focus on the good stuff in your life that can so easy be swamped with the other.
    Loving your van plans!

  10. Hi Sooze - just dropping by to catch up and sorry to find you so stessed - the time of year never helps either does it? It sounds like your hubby needs a project of some kind to keep him and his mind occupied and take some of the stress off you. Something happens to men when they retire I think they don't seem quite so capable at planning their days as well as women maybe because we have been used to keeping and managing the house as well as working. My DH had his computer confiscated by me before Christmas!! - I moved it from the kitchen table up to the study (not as convenient for him up there) as we were short on time and I knew if he spent hours researching goodness knows what (his favourite pastime)on his computer Christmas wouldn't happen. I honestly don't think he realises how much time he spends on it as it just seems normal to him as that is what he would have done at work but he doesn't notice little things like when the washer has finished or the post has come which would be helpful to me. Anyway once the computer was out of easy reach I set him on wrapping presents and making soup, and we managed to get everything done so much quicker.
    Sounds like the caravan will be your little haven come spring and the better weather. Wishing you well with the weight loss - I need to do the same. xx


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