
Wednesday 5 January 2022

Healthy eating resumes

 Last night I felt really unwell - back and both hips very painful and back to finding no comfortable position in bed.  Gut trouble too, I think my guts were finally protesting at all the Christmas/NY foods - not that I've eaten loads of chocolate or crisps, only a few here and there, but certainly more of the bread, pastry things and loads more carbs than I usually do.  And my guts and joints really don't like it.  My guts are the first thing to be affected when I'm stressed or anxious, too.  So from today onwards, it's back to healthy, low carb stuff only.

Re the turkey with yesterday's turkey & cranberry sandwich for lunch, and turkey salad for dinner, that brings the total to 12 portions out of the turkey crown serving 8-10, according to the pack.  Today I'm taking the rest of the meat off the bones, some will be used for dinner today and the rest chopped and frozen.  I was going to make a turkey curry, but as my stomach is still unsettled, I'd better keep off spicy stuff for a few more days.  No inspiration as yet for today's evening meal, but I'll think of something soon.  It'll need to be low carb, and not salad - I want something hot.

We were going to put the new sofa upstairs in my craft room for the time being (the component parts would have to go on top of the single bed in there), but I've now decided that us two old cripples will find it very hard to get it upstairs.  Therefore, it'll have to go in the dining room.  Which means sorting it out, moving some furniture around and folding down the drop leaf table.  More often than not we eat off lap trays in the lounge anyway, so it won't be much of a problem not being able to use the dining table for the next couple of months.....except we won't be able to have anyone round for a meal.  Not that there's much of that happening right now anyway.  It'll be a good opportunity to sort out the dining room anyway, it's become a bit cluttered with 'stuff'.  

This afternoon I'm going to the chiropodist - assuming my lateral flow test this morning is still negative, yesterday's was.  We know someone who had a positive result a few days ago, so at the moment we're testing every day, as we've got things on nearly every day this week and obviously would have to cancel them if we test positive too.  I hope we don't.  So hopefully I can still go this afternoon, so will have lovely soft feet and feel like I'm walking on air later.

Some weak sunshine and bits of blue sky this morning, which is always cheerful.  It is very cold though, the temperature has dropped a lot.


  1. Gentle hugs for you. I find that all the rich, high fat/sugar stuff upsets my system too and it's hard to stop after a while, even when I know it's having a negative effect.
    You've done brilliantly with the turkey. As for evening meal, would a soup go down nicely?
    You won't be without a dining room for long - the time will pass quickly.

  2. I hope that your joints feel better soon. It's always the way - to do x you have to do y, and to do y you have to do z and before you know it you have a list of things before you can get to the first job!

  3. I'm going to have a leftover turkey dinner too, diced turkey and ham and peas, just heated in a parsley sauce, which has only been thickened with a bit of milk and cornflour, then turned into a 'cottage pie' topped with a potato/parsnip/carrot mash, enriched with a bit of milk, butter and lots of nutmeg. Peas could be substituted with broccoli.

    Good luck with the appointments and may the virus stay away!

  4. I quite fancied soup but husband doesn't. However, the turkey cottage pie sounds great, and I have a plastic tub of mashed swede in the freezer for the topping. Thanks!

  5. I've been over indulging in the carbs too and it's badly affected my sleep pattern. I'm back on track today and will be making a lovely turkey and veg soup for tea. If I can muster the energy I'll go and pick a nice fresh salad from the garden and make up a salad box each day for today tomorrow and Friday than I won't need to worry too much if this ruddy virus knocks me for six.

    1. I really hope you get over it soon, Cherie xx

    2. Thanks Sooze. I've had worse colds.

  6. I'm happiest with my regular routine, diet-wise. Any deviation, and I get gut problems, too. Probably wise not to lug the sofa upstairs - you'd only have to lug it back down! It's only for a few months (bet you know how many days/hours/minutes) lol! xx

    1. It's 54 days....not that I'm counting or anything (my computer countdown to caravan thingy does that for me lol) xx

    2. 54 days doesn't sound too long, if you say it quickly! It'll soon be here. xx

  7. Ouch, it sounds like you are really suffering at the moment, probably best NOT to try and get that new sofa up the stairs!!

    I've been so good recently being careful with my back and then last, just after I had gone to bed I heard a pathetic yowling ... Ginger had decided to get himself wedged behind the tall bookcase in my living room, there was nothing for it but to move the sideboard out of the way enough for me to get my hands under his armpits and hoick him out. He did at least look very grateful, but I went to bed feeling very sore.


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