
Saturday 9 March 2024

A nothing day

 My back's feeling a little better today, not quite as painful or stiff.  Getting out of bed and bending down are still a problem though, I had to ask husband to put something away in the bottom of a kitchen cupboard.

Nothing much to write about today, it's just a mundane morning of washing and housework.  It's currently drizzly and grey outside (so washing will have to go on the airer in the car port), a brief spell of dryness mid morning is forecast, before heavy rain sets in by lunchtime.  Lovely! 😒  At least it's not cold.

Got some banking to do, I tried to do it yesterday but the figures were just baffling me, I couldn't get my head around it....probably because I was dosed up on co-codamol.  Not taken any today (nor do I intend to, until I go to bed), so hopefully my brain should be clear and able to cope with the maths later!

The news just seems to be full of everything I'm not interested in at the moment (husband obsessively watches the news on TV several times a day).  F1 and Red Bull, which is not remotely interesting, politics in the USA - apologies to my American readers, but it seems like for your new President you only have a choice between a doddery old man who continually forgets things and makes mistakes, or the egomaniac lunatic Trump.  I'd be in despair if I were an American, I think.  Having said that, I'm sure you USA readers must think the same (if indeed you take any notice of British politics) about our lot - absolutely none of them inspire me with any confidence, our NHS and postal service are wrecked and the government seem to be doing absolutely nothing about it.  All they seem to do is take care of their own - the wealthy.  Get me - talking about politics, which bores the pants off me and I know next to nothing about - well, I did say I've got nothing to write about 😂😂


  1. It's good to read that things have improved a bit, back-wise, but take it carefully, won't you?
    I bet it was the co-codamol muddling your brain. It does that to me. And it bungs my insides up too which is not nice at all. Mind you, better than the pain, for sure!

  2. I'm glad to hear the back pain is easing - as a chronic back pain sufferer myself, I have every sympathy with you!! As you say, strong painkillers are not much help when you have to do any figure work. A quiet day sounds like the right thing for you, and at least you're not missing out on a good gardening day!

  3. Sinutab does that to me, but when my head feels like it's stuffed with damp cotton wool, and I can't breathe...
    Cold and damp here, with a decided nip in the wind., so no gardening here either.
    Totally agree about politics. Seems to me, almost all politicians, whatever their flavour, are just in it for their own glory.
    Hope the back continues to improve, and by the time the weather starts to play ball, you're raring to go! xx

  4. I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. We need a good rain as our snow levels were drastically low so I wouldn't mind. Dodging getting laundry done and dogs walked though when it's day after day would be challenging though.

  5. Oh dear your weather sounds like mine at the moment. I have to keep telling myself that Spring is coming. And you’ve hit our politics this side of the pond spot on except that the clown is actually barely younger than the old guy. Good luck to us both. I surely hope your back is feeling better soon and we can all enjoy Spring when it finally shows its head.

  6. I am glad that your back is feeling a bit better. Today we have sunshine and melting, but according to the weather pundits, more snow is on the way. Am I a happy camper.... Not in the least.

    God bless.


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