
Sunday 10 March 2024

It's not as easy as it looks 😳

 As the eyebrow lady cancelled my appointment the other day, I thought I'd have to have a practise be honest, having seen where she lives (she works from home), I was quite relieved she'd cancelled.  It might sound a bit snobbish, but it's an upper floor flat in a poky and very untidy and rundown old terraced house, in a not very nice part of town - having only recently moved here, we're not familiar with all the areas.  Although she seemed nice enough, she was young with very bad acne-pitted skin caked in make up, in an effort to disguise it, I suppose.  She also had two small yappy dogs and 2 young children, a baby and a child of about 4 or 5....I know she was just trying to make a living, but wasn't exactly a walking advert for her trade and I was a bit worried that she might get distracted by the dogs/children.  So I think I might have had a lucky escape.

I've watched several youtube videos on applying eyebrow pencil and decided to give it a go, having bought a couple of different ones and a double-ended brush.  Well, all I can say is that the women in the videos make it seem so easy and the results looked very natural.....whereas mine....didn't.  In fact I looked downright scary 😮😂😂.  I wiped the efforts off and tried again 3 or 4 times....slightly better the last time, but I might just forget it!  

We were having a nice quiet afternoon when the problem relative suddenly decided to throw a spanner in the works and wind us all up for a couple of hours with stupid attention seeking behaviour (he's a grown man of 52).  He always seems to do it on a weekend, when the GP surgery is closed, and he goes on and on about some ridiculously minor medical problem which nobody else would be worried about - he basically has a panic attack, and no doubt he'd been refusing to take his meds again (a regular occurrence).  He also refuses to have any outside help - we all know he's got mental health problems, as well as some fairly serious physical ones, but if he won't accept any professional help (he was extremely rude to both his social worker and mental health worker and insisted they take him off their books), then there's not a lot we can do.  It might sound harsh, but none of us will pander to his behaviour, we know from experience it just makes him worse.  Again, from experience, we know the best course of action is to just ignore him, he calms down eventually.  And then spends the next day bombarding us all with apologetic messages 😒

As usual, he did calm down and went quiet.  I've noticed he'd posted a few messages on FB through the night, so he's not dead.  He's the only one who can help himself, but if he flatly refuses to access professional help then he's only got himself to blame. 

Off to Bridgwater to get the things I need this morning, then a quiet afternoon.


  1. I've only recently started wearing any make up and, at first, it took absolutely ages. But practise does make - well, maybe not perfect, given what I have to work with, but better and certainly much quicker.

    There's not a lot you can do, I agree, and I also totally agree that when one refuses professional help, one has to take any consequences.
    I'm just sorry that you should be so troubled and bothered with it all.

  2. My eye brows have gone so thin and grey they have almost disappeared. I gave up bothering about them or make up in general years ago.

  3. My daughter in law suggested I draw on my eyebrows, just that alone would help define my eyes, and it does work. Keep trying with the brow pencil, it takes a while, now it takes me seconds.

  4. It's so long since I've worn any make up, I wouldn't know where to start! I'm sure though, as others have said, if you practise, you'll get there.
    If your relative won't help themselves, there's nothing anyone can do. Unless you have that magic wand tucked away somewhere!🧚
    Hope the back continues to improve. xx

  5. I find that I need to use the eyebrow pencil very lightly with just gentle small strokes. You don't want a harsh drawn on line, you just want to get a little colour for a natural look. I am sure you will get there with practice.


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