
Wednesday 20 March 2024


 So following on from Monday's lovely sunny weather, Tuesday was back to normal - grey, drizzly, misty and chilly.  And, just to add to the 'pleasure', Lynmouth appeared to be more or less closed.  The sea front car park was closed for re-white-lining the parking spaces (although there didn't appear to be any work actually taking place), but we did manage to get a space along the road.  Most of the shops were closed, and we couldn't find a single cafe that was open for a cuppa to warm us up - too early in the season I guess.  After a stroll around, we all decided to get back in the car and go back to Porlock Weir.  It was lunchtime by the time we got there - the car park was open and we parked facing the beach.  Too cold to sit on one of the benches to eat, so we ate our packed lunch in the car - the blokes went over to the pub to fetch us takeaway coffees (a really lovely latte, by the way).  There was a bit of excitement whilst we were sitting there - the chimney of the hotel/restaurant started billowing out really thick clouds of smoke and everyone came out to stand outside - the chimney had caught fire (nobody was hurt).  It took a while before the first fire engine turned up - well, the village is a bit out of the way and down very narrow twisty was followed several minutes later by another engine, and then a third a bit after that.  The fire appeared to be out by then - no more smoke - but most of the firemen went inside with lots of equipment.  Doing their jobs and checking everything, I guess.  We had another walk around after we'd finished lunch, my friend took loads of photos.  And then we went back to our house for another cuppa.

We're not seeing our friends today.....not sure what they're doing, but the weather looks slightly better for them today - no sun, but less cloudy and warmer than yesterday.  Husband has his gym induction today, and I need to go shopping for fresh veg, dairy and bread.

I've been exceptionally tired this week so far, the weekend was so full-on with lots of travelling, long days, loads of chatting all day with loads of people, it really seemed to take it out of me.  I'm just not used to such a busy weekend I suppose.  I'm glad I don't have to do it every weekend 😂

Very mixed weather forecast for the next week or so again - loads more cloud and showers and gusty winds, with the occasional bit of sunshine, so again not ideal gardening weather.  It's got to get better soon!  We'll be going to the caravan at the weekend - not to stay, just to take some larder food and toiletries, and make the beds up, ready for our first vacation of the year at Easter.


  1. What a shame you were unable to enjoy Lynmouth. Seems strange that few places were open. Surely the locals also need to shop/ eat/ drink etc!
    I had a lovely time in the garden yesterday (until my back started complaining) but today it's back to cold(ish), wet and miserable. Oh, well, before too long, we'll be moaning that it's too hot! xx

    1. All the shops in Lynmouth are geared towards the tourist trade. There are two small food shops and a pharmacy in Lynton (above Lynmouth) but I guess most people would do their shopping at Ilfracombe or Barnstaple.

  2. Sounds like you are having a lovely visit with your friends. Mention of Porlock brought back happy memories of camping at Porlock as a child. Over 50 years ago a visit to the south meant a very long overnight drive from Fife. I also remember my mother's meltdown as we struggled to get up Porlock Hill in our old car. Happy days.

  3. I look forward to that, Happy Hooker! Oh for a forecast without rain drops in it, it's been such a long, wet winter.
    Sooze, I hope you soon feel less fatigued; it can really take it out of you when you have a full-on few days like your wedding visit. I hope you can enjoy some restful moments in the caravan after preparing it for your Easter visit. Put the telly on for your husband and have a couple of hours in bed!

  4. A bit of excitement you could have done without, I guess. All those familiar names - my late ex's parents had a guest house in Ilfracombe and we spent several holidays in Devon. Such a lovely county. xx


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