
Thursday 21 March 2024

Jobs list - updated as I go along

 I've got a busy day today - lots of small jobs I want to get done.  If I list them all here, then I know what I've got to do:-

1.  Washing nearly done, looking at the forecast I should be able to get it outside on the line today. DONE

2.  Slice a bagful of new potatoes and part cook them, some for tonight's frittata, some for a sausage casserole to be done in the slow cooker on Sunday. DONE

3.  Slice and caramelise a panful of onions and a leek that needs using up - again some for tonight, the rest for Sunday's slow cooker meal. DONE

4.  Pack a bag of larder foods and toiletries to take to the caravan at the weekend, and write a list of any extra things we need to buy.  ONGOING 

5.  Do some banking and budgeting - pensions and allowances going up in April, some of our direct debit bill amounts changing.  DONE

6.  Write appointments, birthdays etc, things to do (like dog's flea & worming tablets) on the calendar in the kitchen, and in my desk diary - I do them for 3 months at a time.  DONE

7.  Check how husband gets on with the jobs allocated to him today - putting compost in the new raised bed he (accidentally) bought, thinking it was a cloche, sowing some veg seeds in seed trays, tidying up the car port.  ONGOING 

8.  Write a couple of emails and make a phone call.  DONE

9.  Write some meal plans, for the coming week and for our Easter week at the caravan.  NEARLY DONE 

10.  Make garlic bread, portion it up and freeze.  DONE

11.  Change bed linen.  DONE

Right, off to put the washing out.


  1. Well done! I've stripped and re-made the bed and the bedding is in the machine. I was hoping to get it on the line, but, surprise, surprise, it's cold and drizzly - again! Best laid plans... xx

  2. I got all the bedding washed and line dried the other day. Even threw the duvet over the line to give it a blow about in the sunshine. I love the smell of line dried laundry

  3. Love this...I am a list maker. I keep a planner and write daily...even the little jobs. I also still journal...over 60 years now...just keeps me going...I am glad you had a good trip for the wedding and are enjoying your friends...

  4. Wow!!! Busy lady!
    I love a helpful list!


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