
Sunday 31 March 2024

Some more garden stuff

 My back may not be quite so painful now, but I'm just so stiff - not only my back, but all my joints, probably due to less moving around.  It's hard to know what to do for the best - move more, sit and rest more, walk more.  Have to say I don't really feel like doing anything at the minute, had another big muscle spasm this morning just getting out of bed, felt like a big hand had reached inside my right side, grabbed hold of the muscles and twisted them violently.  Agony for half hour or so.

It was mostly sunny yesterday, other than a couple of light showers.  In the morning we did some work in the garden, then I sat and did a plan of exactly where all the veggies are being planted....otherwise husband will just stick them anywhere, with no logic or thought.  After lunch we went to the garden centre, for some cottage garden type plants for my new flower bed, a couple of courgette plants, and some flower and veg seeds.  The courgettes have joined the leek seedlings in a makeshift propagator in the car port - one of our plastic lidded boxes we used for moving, the lid gets taken off when it's sunny, kept on when it's cold and rainy and of course overnight.  We're making progress with the garden, slowly but the time summer is here we should hopefully have it the way we want it.

Not going out anywhere today, I really do just want a relaxing day at home.  All I'll be doing is a roast dinner - a whole chicken (husband's request), he and the dog will have some, the rest they'll have over the next few days.  Veggies, stuffing and Yorkies for me, I'll do enough veggies for us to have bubble & squeak with sausages tomorrow.

Ruta, thank you for the Lynton/Valley of the Rocks suggestion.....we have been before, in fact I think we took my Mum there some years back.  Not been back since then though, so it's definitely on our list to go again, especially since we live so much nearer now.

I wish 'they' would stop doing the change the clocks thing twice a year.....yes I know it's for the farmers, so it's a good thing for them.  But it really mucks up my equilibrium for a week or two.  Still, if that's all I've got to complain about.....


  1. That muscle spasm sound excruciating, Sooze. Like you say, it's hard to know what to do for the best. I can only say listen to your body. If it says rest, then do so. I've managed to get quite a bit done in the garden, but I've still got so much more I want to do. I have to keep telling myself it's not a race! I've never understood the clock thing. After all, there's still the same amount of daylight! Oh, well, you have to assume that the powers that be know what they're doing.🤣 xx

  2. Have you tried sitting with a hot water bottle on the sorest part of your back after you have a spasm? If hot doesn't work a slightly filled 'hot water bottle' that's been in the freezer for an hour or so can also really help. Heat is helping mine at the moment, but sometimes cold seems to work better.

    We're just back from a couple of hours on the prom at Morecambe and the roads and motorway are still very quiet, although the car park there filled up just as we were leaving. The fresh air and coffee were lovely.

  3. I hope the muscle spasms stop. My back is getting better, but I still have to get up and move every so often or I stiffen up something terrible.

    God bless.

  4. We had are changing of the clocks March 9. I still feel tired for weeks after and hate it.


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