
Monday 11 March 2024

Working things out

 So what's on the agenda for this week?  Well, husband's going into town for a routine eye test this morning, the usual 2-year check up, he thinks he probably does need new close-up glasses.  He doesn't need me to go with him, I've already done his optician's health questionnaire for him online, I've got his prescription slip out ready for him to take (it's easier if he just shows them that, rather than me listing all his meds on the online form).  He doesn't need help choosing new frames, he always goes for very similar ones and, to be honest, any shape frames suit him.  He's very conservative, so I know he won't choose outrageous colours! (not that it would matter if he did, it's his face after all!).  I'll stay home and get on with the housework.  The Housing Support officer is due round today, I'll be able to have a chat with her without husband butting in all the time, as he usually does.

I was thinking about the new kitchen layout.  Currently, we have a tall upright freezer and separate under-counter fridge....I want to go back to having just a tall half-and-half fridge freezer.  Our present freezer is actually full up, but I know it's a case of if we have the space, we'll fill it.  And with the supermarket being so much nearer here, just 10 mins drive away, it's easy enough to go shopping.  Also, I want the fridge to be higher up - bending down all the time to get things out of the under-counter fridge doesn't do my back any good....obviously I'm using the fridge every day, several times a day, but not the freezer.  Also, having one less appliance will free up some space.  It's not something I need to be worried about right now, it'll be many weeks, possibly months, before we have the new kitchen fitted.  But I will start to be mindful about running down the freezer and possibly beginning to pack away some of the unused kitchen stuff - good job we have plenty of plastic boxes from the move, stacked in the car port.

I've got quite a bit of veg to process and/or use up, before I go away for the weekend - husband is unlikely to do anything with it.  Towards the end of the week, I'll portion up dog food and treats for Betty, so husband can just grab the relevant thing and put it down for her.  His meds are all sorted for the week into his dosette box, there's nothing else for him to do.  Neighbours and friends will be keeping an eye on him, not that he needs it really, it's more for my peace of mind.


  1. Sounds like you're getting well sorted. Do you get to plan the layout of your new kitchen, or is it a case of replacing what's there? You may be able to re-arrange things to suit you better. Your husband (and Betty) will be fine while you're away, but it's good that there are people around to keep an eye on him. You'll be able to relax and enjoy yourself. And as a plus - the weather seems to be warming up, at last! xx

    1. We've been told we can discuss where we want our appliances to go and the kitchen rep will work round that. I expect we'll be told how many cupboards we can have....will just have to wait and see. xx

  2. It sounds like you have it all very nicely in hand, you're very well organised but then again as women it seems we have to be don't we, or nothing would actually get done.

    1. Think I've spent almost my entire life organising!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the new kitchen. Did they say how long it will take to install when they start.

  4. We all need some looking after. ;)

  5. It sounds like you are having a lovely time setting up your kitchen in your mind.
    Glad that things are sorted for when you are gone on the weekend.

    God bless

  6. I love how organised you always are. It was the same when you started to look for another home. Planning a kitchen sounds very exciting and I really hope you are able to follow through on your design ideas.
    Good luck for the weekend - I am very glad you're getting a break. xx


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