
Wednesday 13 March 2024

Oh for goodness sake

 The problem relative has suddenly produced more problems - turns out he has an acute, potentially very serious and quite possibly hospitalisation required, physical health problem.  He's had it for around a week or possibly a while longer (difficult to get out of him exactly how long), but has more or less ignored it and certainly not said anything about it.  Until it's almost too late - he's just panicked now.  This is him all over - he doesn't look after himself and his ailments at all, and only tells someone when it's become critical....due to his mental health problems mainly, but also downright stubbornness and a big degree of sticking his head in the sand and pretending it's not happening.  And all this just days before the big family wedding.  This isn't the first time this kind of thing has occurred - he's done it loads of times before.  It's almost as if he's decided, consciously or not, to throw a spanner in the works and divert attention back to him.  The wedding will still go ahead - of course, we wouldn't have it any other way - I've told my sister to carry on as if nothing's happening and leave everything else up to us (my brother and myself).  If it means we can't attend some or all of the wedding celebrations, well so be it.  It is annoying though, as if we haven't all got other things to worry about (not least our own families), and it's something that would have been entirely avoidable.

The weather forecast for the next week shows yet more rain, at least some virtually every day.  For goodness sake, can't we have an end to it?  It's so blimmin annoying, we all want to start getting on with our gardens but the weather's not having it.  It's not particularly cold and we haven't got snow, so there's that I suppose.  But I'm definitely a fair weather gardener - well, so is husband nowadays.  We can't even take Betty out to the beach - it's too windy on the beach right now, and Betty doesn't like going for walks in the rain or strong winds.

Haha - guess what, the sun has just come out, albeit quite weak and there are black clouds appearing.  I think we'll quickly go outside and finish off filling the raised bed with compost, there's not much left to do.  Got my packing for the weekend to do this afternoon.


  1. So sorry to hear about your relative causing trouble - again.
    My husband has a similar family member who, for a while, decided that hubby was “the go to” for their complaints. One day they were told “f*ck off and go and spoil someone else’s day, or take responsibility for your own bl**dy stupid actions”.
    And they did . . . life has been rather peaceful since then.

    Very wet and windy here too ☹️

  2. I do hope your relative doesn't spoil the day for you all. It does seem like they keep crying wolf. It's not fair that they expect others to drop everything for them, though, but if they have mental health problems, they obviously can't see how unreasonable they're being. Easy to say just walk away, not so easy when you have a conscience.
    I was just going to go in the garden for a little while, but it's drizzling - again! Oh, well, one day soon... xx

  3. So sorry the relative is causing problems. Hopefully things will work out so you can attend all the wedding.

    God bless.

  4. I think we have to remember it is only March. My gardening never really starts until very late April and takes off properly in May. The urge to start early can be great with all the magazines and tv programmes being made ahead of time, but the actuality is very different.

    I hope the wedding day isn't affected in any way by this relative and his ongoing 'health dramas'.


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