
Saturday 15 June 2024

Hardly any caravan time

 It's another mixed day of sunshine and showers, but it's so blimmin cold again, 15 deg but feeling a lot less in the cold wind.  I had a (very brief, in view of the cold) look round the garden.....most of our plants, both veggies and flowers, have come to a halt or are being very slow to grow - no doubt because of the cold temperatures.  I hope it warms up soon.  We even had a cuppa soup with our lunchtime sandwich today - I was going to do a salad but soup and sandwich seemed more appropriate - and comforting - in the cold weather.  It's more like March than June.  Weather is forecast to be better - drier and a little bit warmer - for the next 2 or 3 days, which will be very nice.

The neighbour at the bottom of our garden - the one with the trees that overhang our garden and shed their leaves and seeds all over our veg and flower beds and Betty's lawn - has today started cutting back the trees, as he promised he would when he had time.  He has checked for birds nests, there are only a couple and neither of them are inhabited.  It'll make such a difference to our garden, there's already a lot more light even though he's only halfway through, and it'll be a lot less work and nuisance for us with far fewer leaves, twigs and seeds dropping into our garden.

We have a fair few appointments in the next few weeks - several medical appointments for both of us, the kitchen surveyor coming, someone coming to repair or replace the ceiling air vents in the kitchen and bathroom.  So I have no clear idea of when we can get to the caravan for a break - we only have a couple of days between each appointment, which is a bit of a nuisance.  Now we live further away from the van, it's not so practical to just go for a short break of a couple of days.  Never mind, we'll get there eventually.  It does though feel like we're not getting our money's worth so far this year - we own the caravan outright, of course, but we still have to pay the site fees, whether we go or not.  And husband is still going to the gym and his Sheds group, so that's another 2 days we can't go to the van.  I've been asked if I want to join the WI or some of the various activities groups held in the village hall, which is just around the corner from us.  I don't actually - I'm a homebody and feel quite content just staying here in our lovely home, there's always plenty to do (or not, however I'm feeling), and there's the lovely garden to potter about in.....when it's not raining or freezing cold!  I sometimes get husband to drop me off in town when he goes to the gym or Sheds, that gives me an hour or two to have a wander round or do some shopping, it's a pleasure to do that by myself, without him breathing down my neck and exclaiming over the price of everything.

I've decided we're not doing anything else - well, nothing major - in the garden this year, we're just going to sit back and enjoy what we've done so far.  I'd bought a tray of Cosmos plants a couple of weeks back, little ones that I've potted on individually, I'll do the same with a tray of bedding Dahlias that I'll be getting on Monday - by potting them on and waiting for them to get bigger, healthy and strong, there'll be less chance of them being munched by slugs and snails.  They'll be used to fill in gaps in the flower beds.

Still feeling tired, although not quite so much.  My shoulder pain is bearable now, I've been doing a few arm exercises I found on google, I try to do them twice a day.  Rambler, you suggested that perhaps the co-codamol is what's making me tired....never considered that, it's possible I guess.  Another possibility could be that I've been taking antihistamines the past few days - I normally only get hayfever in early Spring but have been suffering with it for a week or so now.  The tablets are supposed to be non-drowsy ones but I find they do still make me a bit sleepy.  In fact I think I might have a little snooze now!  Betty's asleep on my bed and husband is dozing in front of some wartime documentary on TV - I might as well join them!


  1. I don't know if it's the cold weather, but I feel I'm in hibernation mode, too. I do hope the weather improves soon, otherwise we won't have any summer! xx

  2. Even though you can't get to your caravan as much, you sound really happy and settled, a good move indeed.

  3. It might be fortunate that you have lots of appointments between you now - while it's cold and/or wet - then when the SUMMER arrives, you'll be free to get away to your caravan! Yay! I hope the doctor will help you with that shoulder pain - it's very wearing, (or should that be wearying?). A few days of sunshine would be really good for our joints and muscles, I feel . . .
    Loving your garden's transformation.
    - Rosemary x


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