
Tuesday 11 June 2024

All planted up, trains and pain

 I planted up the anniversary gift tin bath with more herbs yesterday:-

Chives, rosemary, two kinds of sage, curly parsley and lemon thyme.  The parsley and rosemary were growing herb pots from the veg section of the supermarket, I've bought similar and planted them in the garden in previous years, the chives I already had, sages and lemon thyme from a garden centre.  It looks pretty and I'm very pleased with it.  I bought a hibiscus plant, one with deep pink flowers, to go in a pot in a bare space on the garden path in front of the fence.  Other than perhaps a tray of bedding dahlias, that's the last plant I'm buying for the garden this year! (she says, with every intention of sticking to it 😉).

Our friends from Kent arrived yesterday, they're staying in a static caravan at a nearby holiday park, they said it's the best one they've ever stayed in and they're right on the sea front so have lovely views from their decking.  They came round for coffee and cake, I'd made a light cinnamon spiced fruit cake.  Tomorrow we're all going on the West Somerset steam train for the afternoon, it covers 20 miles and has 10 stations, we can hop on and off the train at any of the stations.  Our friends are big steam train lovers, husband really likes them too....even I quite like them, so it should be a good day, especially since the weather is forecast to be good.  

Thursday the 4 of us are going out for lunch somewhere, not sure where yet, we'll enjoy it wherever it is, our friends are really good company and we get on exceptionally well with them. 

I'm feeling really tired the last couple of days, despite sleeping quite well - we've had such a busy few weeks with a constant stream of visitors.  All the planning, prep, extra cleaning and cooking, loads of days out, and just general talking(!!) all the time has simply worn me out I think, enjoyable though it has been.  My left shoulder is really paining me too, so I am having to take regular doses of co-codamol to control the pain.  I've googled some exercises to help with the pain and stiffness - I can't raise my left arm above my head or reach behind my back without a great deal of pain, which makes showering, dressing and brushing my hair a bit difficult.  I'm sure the painkillers and exercises will sort it out though.  So today, other than changing the bed linen and putting a wash on the line, which husband has helped with, I'm taking it easy.  Cheese & crackers for lunch and prawn salad for dinner, so no cooking today....husband will prep the salad.


  1. The herb bath looks lovely. At least your hair is nice and short now, so not too much brushing needed. 😀

  2. The tin bath herb garden is such a clever idea - looks really lovely! Hope the shoulder is soon better, these things can really wear you down...🙄

  3. Your herb garden is looking good, and you'll have plenty of fresh herbs for all that lovely cooking you do! I'm not surprised you're feeling tired, you've had a busy couple of weeks. Even when things are enjoyable and with good company, it takes its toll. Your shoulder sounds like it may be a frozen shoulder. I hope not as that can take months to ease up. Gentle exercise and painkillers should help. xx

  4. So glad you and your sister had a wonderful visit!
    Maybe you could see a Chiropractor? I'm sorry you are in such pain. I see one locally about once a year now...keeps my old bones aligned.

  5. What a lovely way to plant all those herbs. I hope your pain goes away swiftly.

    God bless.

  6. Your herbs look really healthy.. sorry about your shoulder.

  7. I found Pilates helped with my shoulder issues, gentle exercise and stretching.


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