
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Our daily lives and the odd opinion

 Re my last post and all the comments.....yes it is my blog and I can voice my opinions.  However, some bloggers (and I can think of a few) often throw out a very provocative post on their blogs, in the full knowledge that it's going to cause arguments - yes it could be termed healthy debate, but sometimes things quickly turn into a slanging match.  That's not what my blog is about, nor do I want it to be - it's just chatting about our daily lives, with the occasional opinion thrown in (and quite a few moans πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚).  I don't want to upset any of my regular readers, nor do I want a load of argy-bargy, snide comments and fallings out amongst my readers.  We're a happy, friendly, caring bunch and I'd like it to stay that way.  So politics (and religion, conspiracy theories, aliens, refugees, pineapple on pizzas [yes please 😁], strikes, protest marches) etc will be off the table - well, off my blog from now on.  I'm sure we all have enough troubles in our lives to deal with.  

So here's my own private moan for today πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.  I do nearly all of the food prep, cooking and serving up, as you know, I also do quite a bit of the washing up during the day (my choice, at least I know it's done properly and all my crockery/glassware stays intact!)....husband does the washing up every evening after dinner - although he often leaves things in the bowl 'to soak overnight', and some things I have to re-wash the next day as they've still got dried on food πŸ˜’.  Whilst sis is here this week, I don't want her doing anything (she does offer) - I want her to have a lovely relaxing week, she really does need it - she would do the same for me.  However, husband sees it as an extra body to do the washing up (so he doesn't have to) and keeps making barbed digs about it, trying to guilt trip sis into doing it.  She doesn't take much notice, or just laughs, I'd already pre-warned her that he sometimes makes inappropriate comments which is part of his cognitive impairment.  And I had already talked to him before sis arrived, saying that I want sis to just relax and enjoy herself.  But obviously he forgets everything he's told.

So's been quite cloudy and drizzly today.  After a leisurely morning, we decided to go to Porlock Weir, we took a packed lunch and had it in the car facing the beach - it was too cold and windy to eat outside.  After lunch when the drizzle had eased off, husband stayed in the car with Betty whilst sis and I had a stroll around - a brief one as there was still a cold wind.  It's quite interesting looking at things through sister's eyes - as a tourist....I guess as we live here we tend to take the sights for granted.  Then we drove up into Porlock (the village, the Weir is the seaside bit) and looked in a few shops.  Sis bought us a galvanised tin baby bath in a junk shop, which the owner said is from the 1940s - the tin bath that is - as an anniversary present for us (you may remember our anniversary was last week).  I'm delighted, I'm going to use it as a herb garden.  Actually, I think one of the other Sues has one.

Tomorrow morning we'll be doing a little bit of shopping, then going to a boot sale in the afternoon.  We're having such a good time.


  1. Here's to peace and harmony! It sounds like you're having a blast with your sister. She's certainly having a good break and being pampered. I assume you'll have to drill some holes in the bath to make your herb garden? What a lovely reminder it will be of her visit, every time you cut some herbs. xx

  2. Keep everything upbeat and happy , you both deserve some fun. Giggle til it hurts at silly things. Hugs to you and sis. Ignore everything bad and just keep laughing, it will make people wonder. :)Beth

  3. That’s what counts. You and sis are enjoying your time together and that’s wonderful! Keep it up. You both need it.

  4. So glad you are having a lovely time with your sister. A great idea about the tin bath. It will look delightful as a herb area. xx

  5. So glad you are having a lovely time with your sister. I hope the weather improves for you.

  6. Pineapple, though...🀣🀣🀣

  7. Definitely pineapple on pizza!!! Then again I live across the pond and we have strange eating habits here.
    Enjoy you sister time.

    God bless.

  8. I am glad you are having a lovely time with your sister.

  9. Now hold On one minute! No Alien talk?? I'm devastated!! lolol
    I'm so glad you and your sister are having a good time! I'm sure your village is lovely...I'm envious.
    Have fun and eat lots of goodies!


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