
Sunday 9 June 2024

Scalped by Joe 90

 I woke up this morning thinking 'wow, I've had a really good sleep' then looked at the clock and it was 02.25!  Luckily, I must have gone straight back to sleep and woke up again just after 05.30, and I do feel refreshed.  Sis got home safely around 6 pm yesterday and said she was thinking of more or less going straight to bed, she was shattered.

I used to get my hair cut every 6 weeks or so by my neighbour and friend 2 doors away from our old house, she's a hairdresser and has her own little salon at home.  I did go back to her in February to have a cut but, generally speaking, it's too far to go regularly now, and I haven't yet found a mobile hairdresser nearby, despite asking on the FB local page.  Recommendations given for a couple of salons in town, but I'd rather not pay their prices!  Remembering that Sue in Suffolk used to cut her own hair with clippers - and being quite handy with the clippers myself as I usually do husband's hair, I thought I'd give it a go on my own hard could it be?  Well, other than the back of my head.  Husband's comb attachments for his clippers go up to a size 8, we use a No. 2 on his hair.  I should add that I do like my hair to be short and spiky, I can't stand my hair blowing all over my face, and it has been quite windy here.  So this morning I tried, using the No. 8.  Well, it wasn't at all easy - for a start I have a painful left shoulder and am currently unable to lift my left arm up over my head.  And I find it very disorientating trying to do it in the mirror - it's almost counter-intuitive watching a reflection of my hand going the opposite way to how my brain thinks it should be, if you know what I mean.  So I had to (reluctantly) ask husband for help.  A few problems with that......for a start, his hands shake, so he kept banging the clippers against my scalp, and he caught my earlobe a few times.  The most annoying thing though is that he doesn't listen to my simple instructions, but instead has a habit of TELLING me what I want(!!) and forging ahead and doing it without waiting for my yay or nay.  But I didn't have any choice really - once it was started, the job had to be finished!

It's a bit uneven, and I feel like I've been scalped by a 10 year old wearing milk bottle bottom glasses.  But I'm sure it looks worse to me because I've been inspecting it critically - it would probably look ok to anyone else.  Really, I'm just glad it's now short and (fairly) neat again....and there's certainly no danger of the wind slapping it around my face!!  (and NO, before anyone asks, I'm not putting on a photo 😂😂).

We're off to the supermarket this morning to stock up on fresh fruit, veggies, fish for me, chicken for husband, eggs and cheeses - buffalo mozzarella, feta, halloumi and cottage.  Lots of salads this week.


  1. Ah go on show us a piccie ☺. I'm guilty of cutting my own hair and just live with any mistakes. It soon grows

  2. I scissor cut my hair, have done for years. I know what you mean about cutting your own hair whilst looking in the mirror, though. Your brain can't work out where your hands are, can it? xx

  3. I'm another 'self hair chopper' though in my case it's just the fringe which is hard enough without poking myself in the eye. I have long hair partly because I like being able to tie it back and also because I never liked the idea of having to keep going to the hairdresser. My last visit to the hairdresser for a cut and shaggy dog perm, remember those? was to Vidal Sassoon in Sloane St. as a model for their trainee about 50 years ago. Maybe you could find somebody locally, a neighbour's daughter or grand daughter perhaps, who would cut your hair with the clippers, must be better than your husband?

  4. When my hair was longer I would often cut it myself. Now that it is short I don't dare, you are extremely brave.

    God bless.

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your sisters visit. As my mum used to say when I came home in the sixties with a terrible bowl haircut from the local hairdresser, it will grow. When I went to High School I was allowed to grow my hair long and have never had it short since.


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