
Tuesday 20 June 2023

Improvements - in diet and in Betty

 Betty and I both had a very restless night, she couldn't seem to get comfortable and was moving around a lot, she's also been licking her front paws a lot which is a sure sign of anxiety in her.  She's been very subdued so far today, very quiet, not her usual bouncy self at all.  She's also off her food, which is a nuisance as we always put her meds in her food, which she generally eats with no trouble.  I sent husband out to buy a cooked chicken, she did eat a tiny bit of that, along with the antibiotic tablet.  The wounds on her nose were still seeping this morning, although seem to be drying up now.  If she's still listless tomorrow, then we'll take her back to the vets, they did say to bring her back in if we were worried.  She is drinking water regularly, so that's something.

I'm going to overhaul our diets again, I've slipped into a terrible habit of buying things like ready made sauces and marinades, just for convenience.  Which is stupid really, as it's so easy and quick to make a simple tomato or cream sauce.  As for the marinades....they're full of sugars, salt and chemicals - I'd be much better off making my own with balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, a bit of honey, herbs and spices.  I've bought packs of southern fried chicken pieces a few times lately as both of us like KFC, but the supermarket ones simply don't taste like the proper KFC and again are full of additives.  I don't actually eat much chicken at all, but much prefer it (when I do eat it) simply cooked with lemon, herbs and spices.  I've also made cakes quite often recently - I'm not much of a cake eater, I might just have one slice, but husband loves cake and cuts himself thick slices, so by making them I'm just adding to his weight problem - he's put on quite a bit over the past few months, stones not pounds as he's recently admitted.  I'll have to make sure I buy plenty of fruit and yogurts, both of which he likes, so he can have those for snacks instead - he does like snacking in between meals, which is a habit he really ought to get out of.  We both like homemade tzatziki with veg crudites, so I could do a pot of that to keep in the fridge.  I haven't put on any weight but am feeling so very tired and sluggish, so a clean healthy diet will most likely help me too.

Added later:  Betty's improved a bit as the day has worn on, she's waggled her tail a couple of times and has eaten a small bit of lunch, along with her antibiotic.  She's stopped the anxiety paw licking too, I'm pleased about that.

This morning I persuaded husband to sort out his wardrobe and chest of drawers, both of which were crammed full - he was very reluctant so I helped him, it would never get done if I left him to do it himself.  Another 2 bin bags filled to take to the charity shop - so many of his clothes don't fit him or he just never wears.  I've just finished doing some banking, and rejigged the meal plan for the coming week, so it's a lot healthier.

Thanks for the suggestions for getting rid of furniture, I'll look into them.

Sandi - welcome.  The frothy coffees - they're instant ones that come in a box of 8 sachets, you just add hot water, supermarkets sell them.  


  1. We had to take Suky to the vets yesterday as her ear was sore again, it's an ongoing problem that needs antibiotics and cream regularly and she also needed some more of her Metacam, for her arthritis which really flared up again last week.
    The vet said that the prolonged heat spell is bringing a lot of dogs health problems to the fore and we should all be watching our pets closely. It sounds like you are doing just that for Betty, I'm glad to hear that she is just starting to feel a bit better.

  2. My lot are also off of the food and like you say it's bother when you have to put meds in it. I think it's the weather, the animals don't like the heat.

  3. I'm so glad things are looking up and well done for what you've achieved today/yesterday. xx

  4. I'm glad Betty is feeling a little better. You must have been worried sick. I can really recommend a low carb diet. Lots of salad, non-starchy veg, fruit, nuts and protein, time restricted eating (at least 12 hours without food) and no snacking. Surprisingly, we don't feel hungry, either. We feel so much better for it, and have lost so much weight I'm having to alter our clothes to make them smaller. My sewing machine has never seen so much action! xx


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