
Wednesday 28 June 2023


 Betty was heaving and retching yesterday afternoon, mostly dry heaving but once or twice a bit of vomit. We'd put her outside each time, whereupon she immediately started trying to eat grass or other plants - which I'm not keen on her doing as I'm not sure without looking up each individual plant whether they're toxic to dogs.  When I've put her out, I watch her to discourage her from eating anything.....when husband puts her out, he doesn't even stay out in the garden with her.  I asked him to make sure he does - whereupon he immediately started arguing with me, getting quite irate.  I tried to explain that if we have to take Betty to the vets, yet again, because she's eaten something she shouldn't, it's going to cost even more (and never mind all the added stress and time and worry and me having to sort out the insurance) and then he'll be moaning yet again.  When I wondered out loud if she'd possibly eaten something she shouldn't, husband casually, as an afterthought, said 'oh she was eating a lot of grass in the field when I took her out after lunch'.  So that's probably what it was - she'd got bits of grass stuck in her throat.  I'm not against her eating grass per se, my only concern about it is that she often grabs long stems of grass and can't chew them properly, just basically swallowing them down.  So I'm always worried it'll get stuck in her throat or digestive system.  I have mentioned it to the vet in the past, who confirmed there's nothing wrong with dogs eating grass as such, the problem is if it gets stuck in their throats.

This morning when I got up, Betty had been sick (a fair amount) on the front doormat, there was a lot of grass mixed in with it, some pieces 2 or 3 inches long.  So that's what it was that was making her heave.  She seems fine now, thank goodness - I would have insisted on taking her to the vets if she hadn't been.

Yesterday afternoon I asked him to cut the front lawn, which isn't lush and green due to the prolonged hot weather, but has a lot of long dry spiky bits of grass and some runners from the hedgerow sprouting up in it - I wanted it cut so that Betty can't keep trying to eat it.  He'd got nothing else to do, he was having a lazy day (for a change!! 😣 ha bloody ha) watching TV or playing on his computer.  He didn't do it.  So I've asked him again this morning, and said I want it doing today and explained why.  

Things like this are a daily occurrence - husband is contrary, argumentative and cantankerous, he won't listen to me trying to explain anything, he just argues and gets verbally aggressive.  He won't just do as I ask, he has to answer back and argue, nearly every time.  But then there are other times, albeit very few and far between lately, when he's been helpful without me even asking.

It's wearing me down so much, when I get up in the morning I just think 'what's he going to be like today?' and I really don't want to face the day sometimes.

He's just taken Betty out, I asked him to please keep an eye on her (he's oblivious to what she's doing when he's out with her) and don't let her eat anything, and once again he's backchatted me, rolling his eyes and snapping at me.

This is my reality, every day, it's like living with an obnoxious, lazy, rude teenager.  I know he's probably shitting himself over his next round of memory tests next week, and the possible outcome - does he not think I have the same worries?  Even more so, as I'm the one who has to deal with the practicalities of it all, as well as the normal day to day stuff.  I've been in tears already this morning.

Thank you all so much for your support, it means a lot, even if it is all through the internet.



  1. Mine walked off and went to the pub to get drunk yesterday as I disagreed with his interpretation of a letter we've received.

  2. I'm here for you...and I wish I could do more...(((hug)))

  3. Sending huge hugs. Yes, he must be worried, too, but that's no excuse. I hope things settle down once he's had more tests and a diagnosis. xx

  4. Mine had lots of memory tests years ago, they were repeated 18 months later with the same outcome. Not dementia but definite problems with short term memory. AS for the sarcasm and generally being an arse, that was put down to getting older. I have my own home now and he is meant to be house hunting.....I hope he gets something soon.

  5. I'm just thankful I live next door to my hubby instead of with him. Life is too short to have to cope with day to day arguments.

  6. I think you are a saint for putting up with all of that. I can't help but wonder what he would be like if the shoe were on the other foot?????
    I know it has to be very difficult, I wish you the best, besides offering online support that's all I can do....and that makes me sad.
    Poor Betty, I hope she is much better soon.

  7. Hi, reading your posts make me wish l could do something to help ease your misery, putting up with ' him outdoors ' is hard l see!.Can you go out yourself, on your own, for a few hours?, get the bus to somewhere and flippin' leave him to fend for himself for a change. You might be appreciated a bit more, but l do realise he cannot be trusted much. Leave very firm instructions and tell him to get something from the 'take away' to eat, so you don't have to come back to mess. Good luck and best wishes, Tess x

  8. I do wish I could do more than give you a cyber hug, but that is pretty much all I can do from across the pond. I hope he gets back to the helping you out stage that he was in awhile back. I know it wasn't much, but it was at least a little.

    God bless.

  9. I really understand what you are both going through at the moment. My DH at times reminds me that having memory issues is not what he would wish on anyone. In our working lives, DH and I were both pyschiatric nurses, I also worked with dementia patients. This possibly makes it harder for both of us because we know what the outcome will be. Dealing with it on a personal basis is hard because no matter what anyone else says or does it really is just you who is dealing with it on a daily basis. And it is extremely exhausting. Many cyber hugs from a Lancashire lass living in Australia.

  10. I hope you get some answers to the memory problems soon, I don't think living with that over you will be doing either of you much good. It's very difficult when you're waiting on results for all concerned.


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