
Friday 23 February 2024

A phantom punch in the eye!

 Yesterday early evening we went to the Minor Injuries Unit at the local cottage hospital, I'd had a red eye the day before, which didn't seem to be causing any problems, but yesterday morning when I woke up it was very red and sticky, and a bit sore.  I put it down to conjunctivitis, which I used to get quite often years ago when I was working and wearing eye makeup, but I've not used makeup for years and so hadn't had conjunctivitis either.  However, I don't recall conjunctivitis being painful, it just gave me a sticky eye that's all.....yesterday my eye got sorer and sorer as the day wore on, it was a burning stinging pain as if I'd had a boiling hot spoon pressed into my eye.  The pain wasn't only in the eyeball, the skin surrounding the eye also had this burning stinging soreness, and started to turn a blueish red all around the eye, as well as being swollen:-

It began to look like I'd been punched in the eye!  (The photo doesn't really show the discolouration, although the surrounding skin does look swollen).

The hospital wasn't particularly busy when we got there, we were sitting in the waiting area for just over an hour, during which time two sets of parents came in (separately, they weren't together) both with small children who were clearly fact one looked almost comatose.  Both sets of parents were ushered in to the treatment rooms almost immediately, rightly so.  Eventually, a nurse came out and told us all (there were only 4 or 5 others besides us) that both children were very poorly and they were having to concentrate on them, naturally, so said we'd either have a long wait or else we could go and come back first thing in the morning.  I said we'd go - what's a sore eye in comparison to a very poorly child?  The nurse had a quick look at my eye and said she didn't think it was conjunctivitis, more like blepharitis....she said there wasn't really any treatment for it other than bathing it with cooled boiled water, they'd only give me antibiotics if it showed signs of infection.   

It was sticky again when I woke up this morning but not quite as sore, however, my eye's nearly shut now and the skin surrounding it is even more swollen.  Definitely looks like I've been punched by a phantom boxer!

We had a lovely time yesterday morning catching up with my brother and SiL, it seems ages since we last saw them.  We made arrangements for the journey up to the Midlands for the family wedding in three weeks, husband is going to take me to the nearest service station on the M5 and bro will take me from there.....obviously reversing things on the way home.  They loved our new place and were impressed with our garden plans.  Speaking of which, it looks like it'll be Monday before we can do any more in the garden, the weather isn't going to be playing ball over the next few days.  Honestly, isn't it depressing?  And it's meteorological Spring in a week's time!  

Husband has a mystery GP appointment this afternoon, he got a text reminder about it late yesterday.  He claims to have no knowledge of this appointment, either making it or what it's for, it's not written on the calendar either 😒.  He'll have to ring the surgery when it opens this morning, to find out more about it.  I suppose I'd better see if I can get an appointment about my eye!


  1. Oh, that does look sore, Sooze. Many years ago I got a bit of grass in my eye when I was strimming. A few weeks of various prescribed eye drops/creams and it was no better. I was sent to the Liverpool eye hospital, and the consultant reckoned whatever had caused it (keratitis) had gone, but I had an allergic reaction to all the lotions and potions! He prescribed Piriton, and within a couple of days, it was all clear. Might be worth a try.
    I'm glad you had a nice visit, but yes, the weather isn't playing nicely at all, is it? xx

  2. Oh dear, looks as though you have had a bang in your eye, have you taken paracetamol for the discomfit? Take care.

  3. I'd deffo get that eye looked at properly if I were you. It could be caused by Uveitis, from the symptoms you've listed. Easy to treat, but can cause real problems if left so it's not worth taking a risk. Sorry, don't mean to sound like the merchant of doom, and I hope you are soon better!

    1. I agree, never known blepharitis to cause swelling like that.

  4. in Scotland we are told to go to an optician for emergencies but could be different for England but might be worth finding out, i very much enjoy your blog by the way

  5. My optometrist tells me to come to him with any eye emergencies. I hope you get an appointment for your eye. That looks very sore to me.

    God bless.

  6. Go with husband if it isn't too late and see what his GP says, then you will know.


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