
Sunday 25 February 2024

An allergic reaction

 Marlene suggested I might have touched something in the garden and then rubbed my eye, which possibly gave me an allergic reaction.  Do you know, Marlene, I think you might be right - and Kath suggested taking antihistamines, which I had done for the last couple of days, so I guess that relieved it.  Yesterday morning, after working in the garden for a while, wearing gloves - I always wear gloves working outside - my eye began to sting again.  I never touch my face with the gloves on, but I think I'd probably rubbed my eye straight after taking the gloves off, before washing my hands.....I guess whatever it was on my gloves transferred to my fingers when I was taking them off.  I've been pruning and weeding all around the garden, so who knows what plant has set off this reaction?  So I washed my hands again and took another antihistamine and the stinging began to subside again.  I do get hayfever, odd skin rashes now and then and sometimes have a bad reaction to bites and stings, so I guess my body just hates nature! 😂😂  I think it'll probably be best to take an antihistamine first, each time I'm going to be doing something in the garden.  And remember to wash my hands immediately I take my gloves off!

Husband lined the inside walls of the raised bed with plastic - he bought a roll of heavy duty bin liners, which did the job perfectly.  We've filled the bottom of the bed with the various layers of old prunings, cardboard and chopped up comfrey leaves, we'll start on the compost and vermiculite on Monday, I think we did enough yesterday (more rain forecast today, and our backs need a rest anyhow).  The previous tenant's green bin full of old prunings had been left on the pavement at the front of the bungalow as it was too heavy to move - the recyclers wouldn't take it as the previous tenant hadn't paid for the past year......well, she had dementia and then died, so she had a good reason for not paying!  Anyway, we found out why it was so heavy - we had to take our (new) wheeled trug thing out there and empty spadefuls out of the bin into that - under the top foot or so of prunings, there were empty wine bottles, lager cans, old plastic food tubs, 2 or 3 dozen cigarette packets.....and then a load of old soil and gravel in the bottom!  How is that green recycling?  Honestly, what a cheek whoever filled it up had, how naughty of them.  So it took us ages to empty it out and lots of the rubbish went into our various recycling bags and boxes.  As I was chopping up the comfrey leaves yesterday, in view of Scarlet's advice that it's very irritant, I threw my gardening gloves away afterwards.  They're cheap enough to buy, I'll get a few more pairs the next time we go to town.

Husband takes 14 tablets a day, half in the morning and half at night.  He tips them out of his dosette box into his hand, before throwing them into his mouth.  Well, obviously unbeknown to him, he dropped one Friday evening, it landed on the floor beside Betty's water bowl and stayed there all night.  I found it in the morning, it turned out to be one of his blood pressure tablets.  I was horrified - not only that he'd not taken it, but more that Betty might have found and eaten it.  She might have then become unwell (I have no idea how it might have affected her) and we wouldn't have known what was wrong with her.  It gave me a cold shiver.  He's promised to be more careful in future.

On Saturdays I don't cook anything elaborate for dinner, we like to have some kind of home fakeaway to eat in front of the TV....something like pizza and salad, burgers and chips (beef for husband, fish burger for me), pasties, things like that.  Yesterday I did us fish finger sandwiches in sourdough bread, with a melty (Emmental) cheese slice and mayo, a finger salad on the side.  It was blimmin gorgeous.


  1. I think I'm allergic to nature, too. I only have to go out to the bin and I come back with a midge bite! Still, I'm glad you've (sort of ) sussed out what caused your sore eye, and now you know, you can be careful.
    The bottles etc in the bin might have been the previous tenant. If she had dementia, she probably didn't know which bin was for what, even if she remembered that she was supposed to sort out the rubbish. I know, when I emptied my parent's compost bin, there were plastic wrappers etc in it. My Dad would never have done that ordinarily. Just a shame you had to fill up your bins with someone else's rubbish!
    I'm glad Betty didn't eat that tablet. She might have been OK, but it doesn't bear thinking about! xx

    1. Yes I expect it was her, K - or rather her live-in boyfriend/carer (they were both in their 60s apparently) - I guess he was the lager drinker and smoker. xx

  2. Fish finger sandwiches are my absolute favourite "go to" meal. Since my husband died in 2022 sometimes I cannot be bothered to cook a "proper" meal for one. A fish finger sandwich does very nicely, thank-you! It never occurred to me to chop comfrey leaves and put them in the bottom of a pot before planting. Brilliant!

    1. It was my lovely readers who suggested chopping up the comfrey leaves and putting them in the bottom, so we've them to thank!

  3. Sounds as though iy could have been a reaction of something in the garden, hope it doesn't happen again. Fish finger sarnies, lush!

  4. I keep antihistamines in, as I react to loads of things, I'm glad you are recovered, it can be a worry.

    1. Yes I've stocked up on them now, my hayfever will be starting anytime now anyway, I always get it early Spring.

  5. We do the same, Sunday nights we eat in front of the tv instead of at the table. My husband usually makes himself sandwiches and I have vegetables with hummus. Less washing up too which cheers my husband up as he washes up after supper while I wash up after breakfast and we don't eat lunch.

  6. Definitely sounds like you had an allergic reaction to something. It is amazing to me what people will put in a recycling bin.

    God bless.

  7. I often (usually!!) eat off a lap tray in front of the telly. I'm on my own so why not? :-)
    I'm glad you are recovering and antihistamines sounds a very good idea for the future. xx

  8. I think comfry leaves are the culprit as they are an irritant. Dig up any small ones as they have a tap root which is a devil to get out. xval

  9. I'm glad that you got to the bottom of your very sore eye, it's something I have to be very careful about and I always have eye drops and antihistamines in the bathroom cabinet for before and after gardening. Like you I always react badly to bites, horse fly bites especially.

    If you know you are going to be handling something that you have reacted to before in the garden, you could always slip some disposable waterproof gloves over your gardening gloves to save having to throw away too many pairs. A box of large sized disposable gloves will last for ages, I always had some in the polytunnel.

    1. What a brilliant idea, Sue, I'll get some! You're full of good ideas aren't you?! :-)

    2. I'm either a genius ... or someone who has lived for far too long making many, many mistakes along the way!! But hey, at least I learn from them. ;-)


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