
Tuesday 20 February 2024

In the garden

 Weather looks pretty good for today, sunny spells rather than all day sun, but dry and not too cold, so we'll be in the garden this morning.  I want to clear the gravel off one area, about 7 or 8 feet long by 18" wide, it'll become a flower bed.  I'll fork over the bed and top with a bag of compost.  There's a rose bush and some foxglove clumps I want to move into it from other areas of the garden - the rose bush is in one of the squares that's going to be turfed over for Betty to lie on in the sun, the foxgloves in a narrow raised bed that we want to put strawberries in.  Husband will be carrying on with the construction of the veggie raised bed - after a slow start and dismantling what he'd first done, he got going really well yesterday and has completed a bit more than half of it.

This afternoon it's the vets for Betty's annual check up and jab, and popping into the supermarket to get some fresh veg and dairy.  Husband wants some more bags of compost too, we'll need a few to fill up the raised bed.  The bottom layer will be the contents of the previous tenant's green compost wheelie bin, it's full up with prunings etc, as I mentioned before, the Council recyclers won't take it because it's not been paid for (the previous tenant having died!  We're not paying for garden recycling as all our prunings etc are going in our own compost bin).

Having had a few visitors lately, we've had rather a lot of cakes, ones I've supplied and more brought by the visitors - including a sticky toffee cake covered in thick chocolate buttercream scattered with toffee pieces......yummy but teeth-achingly sweet.  Consequently, I'm feeling bloated - which is good because it makes me want to eat very healthily right now, to get rid of the bloat and aching joints.  I won't be buying or making any cakes for brother and SiL's visit on Thursday - they prefer savoury to sweet so I'll be making some cheese scones, if there's any left they can take them when they go.


  1. Well, weather permitting, by the time Spring does arrive, you'll have everything ready to go! Luckily, we don't have to pay for garden recycling (yet) but they only collect every 3 weeks and only during late March to early November. I always seem to be playing catch-up! xx

  2. I wish our council only collected garden waste between March & November. It seems ridiculous to have to pay almost £60 for a full year when there's no need for it.

    1. Yes, all councils want you to recycle, but make it difficult/expensive for you to do so! Madness. xx


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