
Saturday 24 February 2024

All cleared up - well, mostly

 Well, my eye problem seems to have gone as quickly as it started.....well, it hasn't totally gone but is heaps better.  Yesterday morning I was all set to ring the GP as soon as they opened and try to get an emergency appointment, but by the time I'd showered and dressed, my eye was already improving a lot.  As the morning wore on, the burning pain completely went, the swelling and discolouration reduced considerably.  This morning the redness of the eyeball itself has nearly disappeared, although it's still a bit watery, but apart from that it's practically back to normal.  So whatever it was, was shortlived, thankfully.  Thanks everyone for the concerns, I must admit I was a bit worried about it because of the burning pain.

I did ring the GP yesterday morning, on husband's behalf, to find out about this mystery appointment he'd had a text reminder for......seems he was booked in for an ECG.  When he went for his annual diabetes review, the nurse did a new patient check as well and said in view of his heart problems, he would be having an annual ECG.  She booked him in for it and gave him the appointment (on a card), but by the time he'd got home he'd forgotten all about it, so didn't tell me or write it on the calendar.  He'd also lost the card.....๐Ÿ˜’  Ah well, it's done now, they'll ring him if there's anything untoward on the ECG.

It was chucking it down again when I got up, but has slowed to a drizzle now and the sky is already brightening up, we're forecast to have sunny spells most of the day now.  So hopefully we'll be able to get out in the garden - hooray!  Our first task is to affix a length of expanding twig trellis to the back fence, for a bit of privacy (I'll put a climbing plant, honeysuckle probably, there).  Then we'll move the new raised bed into its final position, line the sides (inside) with plastic fixed in place by staples - husband did bring his staple gun!!  Then we'll fill it - firstly with the old prunings from the previous tenant's green bin, then a layer of cardboard (thank you Sue for that idea, we've got plenty of cardboard boxes from our move).  The next layer will be the chopped up comfrey leaves - thank you to all of you who suggested that - and finally a mixture of compost and vermiculite.  Then we'll leave it to settle for 2 or 3 weeks before we start putting anything in there.

It feels like we're starting to make progress now on the garden, I'm really looking forward to the weeks ahead.


  1. I did think you might have touched something in the garden and then rubbed your eye, it would make sense for the irritation and discomfort.

  2. I'm glad the discomfort was short lived. I always think it would be good if you could pop your eyeball out and rinse it under the tap when it's sore! Hope your husband's ECG doesn't show anything worrying. Your garden plans are all coming together, and I can hear the excitement in your writing. The good (well, better) weather is on its way. WooHoo! xx

  3. Comfrey leaves can be a terrible irritant, so if you've touched a leaf and then your eye it could have been that. Please wear gloves when cutting it to put into the raised beds. We have a lot of it at the allotment, and handle it with care after being caught out many years ago.

  4. Really glad to hear the eye is so much better! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  5. I am very happy to hear that your eye is so much better and that your Hubby had his EEG, even though he had forgotten (and lost the reminder).

    God bless.


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