
Wednesday 14 February 2024

Things are looking up

 Thank you for the comments regarding the wood for the raised veggie beds and the bargain chairs - I'm so pleased with them.  Now we just need some nice warmer weather!

We've got one set of friends coming over for their first visit this afternoon....unfortunately, it's forecast to be heavy showers when they arrive, so we won't be able to go out in the garden to show them our plans for it, we'll have to look from the windows instead.  Another couple, also ex neighbours (as are the ones today) are coming on Friday, the weather is forecast to be much better then.  We're looking forward to seeing them and catching up.

We had a bit of a breakthrough yesterday - husband went out, by himself, yesterday evening, he went to investigate the bowls club that meets at the local village hall on a Tuesday evening.  I'd seen the bowls advertised and pointed it out to him a few weeks ago, he's always said he'd like to have a go at that but showed little interest in going.  Yesterday morning though, he announced he was going to go, just to see what it was like - well, he was gone for 2.5 hours and seemed quite enthusiastic when he got home.  He enjoyed it, got on with the others there (8 or 9 other oldies, male and female) and said he wants to go again.  So I shall be getting a couple of hours to myself every week.  

Oh, and possibly more than once a week - husband went to the GP yesterday for his annual diabetes review (he's actually borderline diabetic and doesn't need to take meds for that at least).  His numbers etc from his bloods and urine are actually ok, but he has put on weight and the diabetes nurse he saw said he's not active enough (I've been telling him that for months!!).  She said they have a referral to the gym scheme and suggested he try that - he agreed and is now waiting for an appointment for an induction course, the gym is in a hotel in town apparently.  So he might be going there regularly soon as well.  I wonder what I'll do with all this free time?!  

If he does start going to the gym, then I could get him to drop me off in town, I could have a wander round the shops by myself (bliss!) and stop for a coffee, there are several cafes in town.  Or, on nice days, take a book and bottle of water and sit on the beach....that would be lovely.


  1. I'm so pleased - that 'you' time will be wonderful and I am so glad husband enjoyed the bowls club for his own sake as well as yours. A book on the beach sounds fantastic. xx

  2. Those sound like really positive developments, which would be win-win for you both!

  3. Sounds like you're settling in there and enjoying it.

  4. Well, you'll be a lady of leisure before too long! Sounds like you've both got a new lease of life from your move. xx

  5. I am excited for your alone time. Fingers crossed it is a go. I desperately need it here but have nowhere to go that is close.

  6. How great is that. I am so happy he enjoyed his time at bowls and if he goes to the gym that will perhaps get him even more involved in something. You could get lots of time by yourself.

    God bless.


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